Hello All,

I hope this is a perfect time to invite more people to join our Kindergarten Literacy
Workshop listserv.

I have embedded the url to the new Kindergarten group created by LiteracyWorkshop.org into this email for any of you who would like to continue the thread about the benefits of all day K and/or the benefits of teaching literacy to our students by teaching key comprehension strategies.

Please join us on the Kindergarten list as we spend time sharing the knowledge of how our students learn and how we can better enhance their education to by teaching specific strategy instruction in an effort to grow proficient readers and
writers at the K level.

Michele Polselli NBCT/Moderator of Kindergarten Literacy Workshop
Thank you and I hope you decide to join us in our meaningful conversations.

Please join us at:


(If the link is not active, copy and paste into your browser)

to share thoughts about any K threads in more depth.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:03 PM , cnjpal...@aol.com wrote:

All day K is mandatory now in Maryland. What it did for us was give us the time to teach comprehension strategies through read alouds each and every day. I was sold on the value of it when I walked into an all day K classroom our first year (about three years ago) and having a student ask me "Do you have much schema for turtles?" Done right, there is a lot that we can do with comprehension in all day K.
In a message dated 2/21/2009 3:05:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, creeche...@aol.com writes:

But what I wanted to say is, the difference I see between my half day and all day experiences is that the pressure is off. I felt that I had to cram in everything the all day K students were getting in a half day before. Now we all feel much more relaxed and it is reflected in their behavior and their learning. I hope that doesn't result in more curriculum being pushed down. But for now, even with 28, things are good.

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