My son and I are not the ones failing to understand the issue.;-) And I love 
Gentry's work.

Lori Jackson
 District Literacy Coach and Mentor
 Todd County School District
 Box 87
 Mission SD 5755

----- Original message -----
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009  8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Lori's story-was Do we really need to 

> Lori
> My heart goes out to you and your son. He is lucky he has such an advocate  
> in you. I work in an elementary school with children like your son every  
> day. 
> We as a profession need to work to help our colleagues understand that we  
> are teaching children, not a curriculum and that it is our JOB to make 
> learning  accessible to all. If children fail to learn, it is our 
> responsibility 
> to find a  way to get that done.
> Have you read Richard Gentry's work on spelling?  It would help you  and 
> your son understand the wiring in his brain that affects his ability to  
> write.
> Jennifer
>  In a message dated 6/14/2009 9:48:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> writes:
> My  youngest son is a brilliant thinker, a real outside the box kind of 
> kid, but  he reads slowly (with great understanding) and struggles with 
> handwriting and  spelling.  This year, as an eight grader, we began noticing 
> that 
> he was  struggling to correctly copy mathematical equations. He would err in 
> the  transcription, not in the solution, and then correctly solve an 
> incorrect  problem.  He had a great year in language arts, but my husband was 
> his  
> teacher and believes that when laptops are available to students, they 
> should  all have the opportunity/choice to use them for drafting to 
> publishing.   
> Unlike his previous middle school language arts teachers, one in 
> particular,  who harped on him constantly about neatness, letter formation 
> and 
> spelling,  his dad grades all kids journals for thinking.  Even with the 
> support of 
>  word processing, we both saw Isaac struggle with spelling of even simple 
> words  and began to push for evaluation in February.  Sadly, because he is a  
> brilliant kid who still scores well on the standardized tests by local  
> standards, we met with resistance. I could point to the decline in his test  
> scores but since they were high in comparison to our general population, we  
> ere dismissed. His math instructor was quick to label him lazy and a behavior 
>  problem (something we have discovered she does with any child who is  
> struggling) and he was pretty quick to let her know she was an idot (which 
> she  
> is not, but she was a non-certified, math phobic person assigned to proctor 
> a  poorly designed distance learning class and is does appear she pretty 
> much  hates boys). I ended up having to threaten to call the State Department 
> of  Education and file a complaint before they finally decided to test him.   
> He did not qualify for services BUT was clinically diagnosed as dyslexic 
> with  a specific focus on dysgraphia.  In other words, he could spell and  
> visualize words correctly but then scramble them when asked to write the same 
> thing.  He cannot transcribe information well, makes reversals and  
> transpositions that impact meaning.  He is not lazy, he CANNOT do this  due 
> to a 
> specific processing disorder.  I had met someone about about a  year ago with 
> a 
> son with the same diagnosis and as she described her son to  me, along with 
> the fight it took to get him services, she could have been  talking about 
> my son.
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