Hello to All,
I am usually another of those who quietly read and  observer on this 
website gleaning ideas to share with others who are  interested.  As a special 
education teacher, I am an avid reader wanting to  soak up as much knowledge as 
I can about reading, struggling readers and  motivation.  

1.  Remembering back to my early reading days, I was one of those  children 
who would read under the covers with a flashlight. I have always had a  
very serious visual impairment and my parents were afraid to let me read as 
much  as I wanted so I took the trusty flashlight and read under the covers, I 
was  always very good at sneaking a library book inside my social studies 
book too! I  remember the day that my mother and I registered me for school - 
first grade  that is - there was no mandatory kindergarten back in my day! I 
saw all the  wonderful books that we would be using and I can remember 
being furious with my  mother because she didn't bring them home with us then 
and there. I was already  reading before I entered school.My parents both 
worked with me a lot at home and  instilled a love of learning long before 
formal education stated..I grew up  in  a rural isolated area, the only child 
older parents so my books  became my friends..  Some of my favorite books 
were series books  particularly the Little House Books, Nancy Drew and the 
Bobbsey Twins. I also  loved horse books. I think there was a series about a 
horse name Tizz?  WE  are talking 50 years ago here!

2.  Books have always brought a lot of joy to my life and it is so  sad to 
see most of my students come to me with such negative experiences about  
reading. The majority of them have had so much drill and kill that they are in  
seventh grade now putting in time. I do lots of read alouds with lots of  
animation and special effects. WE have lots of deep discussions. WE did 
several  books last year where we read the book then watched the movie and 
compared the  two. Surprisingly enough, most students liked the books 
favorites  were Stone Fox, the Hatchet Series, and the Sarah Plain and Tall 
Series. Several  of my students were total non-readers at the beginning of 
the  year.

3. I thoroughly agree with and earlier poster when she  said. As more and 
more emphasis is placed on testing, the joy of a great  book and the wondrous 
literature of my childhood and today seems to be losing  it's place in the 
education of our children.  It tears at my soul to see  basal reading 
programs becoming the be all/end all for some schools and the time  devoted to 
actually reading and escaping into the book deemed "inappropriate" by  some.  
Oh for a day when our children "hide under the covers with a  flashlight" 
even in our classrooms!!
I want to do all that I can to turn on my formerly turned off students so  
they too can catch teh reading fever.
June in KY

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