In regards to the reading response journal entry, I am a second grade teacher 
and my team uses reading response journals. I think they are wonderful! I have 
a few resources on the topic that my school uses when creating a reading 
response journal for the children. We pick and choose items we think are 
important for our kids, so not every journal from teacher to teacher is the 
same. In our school, we are use the Jan Richardson model for reading response 
journals. She lays out in her most recent book (I don't know the name off hand, 
but I can get back to you with it) how she sets up the journal, how she uses 
the journal, and also provides hard copies to reproduce if needed. I also came 
across another good resource over the Internet. It is a third grade teachers 
website but she goes into depth on her reading block and how she uses, sets up, 
and teachers her children how to use their reading response journals. Her name 
is Beth Newingham...if you google her name the site will come up but I will 
also list the site here... 

Hope this helps...  



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