This year my school system began implementing Lucy Caulkins  Units of Study for 
Primary Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum, K-2 in grades K-2 and Units of Study 
for Teaching Writing, 3-5 in grades 3-5.  We were originally given one set per 
grade level.  Then after much "discussion" it became obvious to "everyone"  
that every teacher would need a set if we wanted to implement this program the 
right way.  Our curriculum coaches are trained at their meetings/staff 
development trainings.  They return to school to train the staff.  I am not 
sure where the person who trains the curriculum coaches received her training.  
So this is new to my system.  We are familiar with a writing workshop approach. 
 We have been using Write From the Beginning, which is based on Thinking Maps 
(both are system initiated programs).  Several years ago we became a "Four 
Blocks School", except that we were not using the Four Blocks writing component 
because we were required to use Write
 From the Beginning.  So, I guess you could say that we were a "Three Blocks 
School".  This was our precursor to Balanced Literacy.  
Personally, I LOVE the Caulkins materials.
Hope this helps.

Kate in NC

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