Dear All,
I'm running Moses, but I get an error when I try to translate a sentence.
I save the srilm LM as binary file. I filter TM and reordering models, then
I binarize the reduced TM and reordering models.
When I run moses I got this:

Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
        config: /marco/TM/model/moses.ini
        distortion-file: 0-0 msd-bidirectional-fe 6
        distortion-limit: 6
        input-factors: 0
        lmodel-file: 0 0 3 /marco/LM/languageModel.srilm.lm
        mapping: 0 T 0
        ttable-file: 0 0 5 /marco/TM//PhraseTable/phrase-table.0-0
        ttable-limit: 20 0
        weight-d: 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
        weight-l: 0.5000
        weight-t: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
        weight-w: -1
Loading lexical distortion models...
have 1 models
Creating lexical reordering...
weights: 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300
binary file loaded, default OFF_T: -1
Created lexical orientation reordering
Start loading LanguageModel /marco//LM/languageModel.srilm.lm : [0.000]
Finished loading LanguageModels : [0.000] seconds
Start loading PhraseTable /marco/TM//PhraseTable/phrase-table.0-0 : [0.000]
using binary phrase tables for idx 0
reading bin ttable
size of OFF_T 8
binary phrasefile loaded, default OFF_T: -1
Finished loading phrase tables : [0.000] seconds
Created input-output object : [0.000] seconds
Translating: elle a des difficultés avec des pays comme le canada qui
prétendent appuyer le projet sans y affecter assez d �...@~y argent et de
ressources .

Cached 9110 new primary reordering table keys
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector::_M_range_check

Please, can u help to understand what it is going wrong?

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