Dear Professors,
my name is Eric T. Tanke. I am now preparing a PhD thesis in the chair of 
Machine Translation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Haller on "Machine 
translation of legal texts in the language pair German-French". At the next 
25th october I will hold a presentation at the Chair of Machine Translation of 
our faculty in Saarbrücken on the results of a machine translation test of some 
of sentences from my corpus with Moses.
I address you today on the advice of my doctoral thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr. 
Haller. First of all I became familiar with the operation and description of 
the main components of MOSES after visiting this link where i found the 
necessary informations about this SMT-System. I pursue the goal using the 
online translation based on Moses to perform a machine translation of some 
sentences from my corpus and then evaluate the outputs. The analysis of these 
results should be made from a linguistic and a translation perspective. In 
addition, I will do the same operation using a rule-based system, in this case 
CAT II and then I would like to compare the outputs with the previously 
performed machine translation with Moses.Unfortunately, I am facing a 
methodological problem. On the homepage of Moses there is no online translation 
for the language pair French-German. The main reason of this email is to know 
how you can help me. I would like to use Moses to automatically train 
translation Models for the language German-French. I found on the Internet a 
collection of translated texts from German into French. In fact I took these 
texts from the website european court of justice 
(, where all recents judgements are 
available in all EU official languages. Is it possible that you create for my 
research purposes some basic components for this translation direction? I 
noticed on the homepage of MOSES that all efforts to improve this system are 
Eric Tanké
Moses-support mailing list

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