
does anybody of you use Eclipse for coding for Moses? How do you build 
using boost?

As a start, I am using the project files provided in the git-repository 
(in mosesdecoder/contrib/other-builds). For each of the projects, in the 
project properties, I specified
     bjam ${workspace_loc}/mosesdecoder
as the Build command and switched off "Generate Makefiles 
automatically". Given the output on the Console tab, this seems to work. 
However, Eclipse itself does still complain about errors (reported in 
the Problems tab), such as unresolved inclusions and functions.

Is there a different way to specify the bjam build process? Do you use 
the provided project files?

Some more infos about my system:
Ubuntu 12.04, Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2 with CDT 8.0.2, recent Moses checkout 

I'd be thankful for any hints/comments.


Miriam Kaeshammer M.Sc.
Institut fuer Sprache und Information
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf

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