Dear Moses developers,

I am trying to use the a new version of Moses, seems like things have
changed quite a bit and I have hard time finding an up-to-date
documentation. For debugging I used very small train/tune/test corpora (10
lines each).

First thing is running the following command produces a phrase table with
only 4 features:
train-model.perl --root-dir $root_dir --corpus $root_dir/$corpus_name  --f
$src_lng --e $trg_lng --alignment grow-diag-final --lm 0:3:$LM
-external-bin-dir $external_bin_dir`;

Here is a snippet from a produced moses.iniPhraseDictionaryMemory
name=TranslationModel0 table-limit=20 *num-features=4
input-factor=0 output-factor=0

Second, I am trying to run tuning and decoding of lattices in plf format.
Can you point me to example commands and moses.ini for running mert and
decoding lattices with the new Moses?
So far I tried training and tuning on text files and decoding on lattices
because I could not figure out the right settings for tuning.
According to some old documentation I am supposed to convert the phrase
table to a binary format. Is it still needed?

When I ran it with the following command:
moses *-inputtype 2 -weight-i 0.62 -weight-l 12.5* -f $tune_dir/moses.ini <
$eval_dir/69.plf > $eval_dir/69.plf.out
I got an error:
*Don't mix old and new ini file format*
What is the new equivalent of weight-i and weight-l?

Without those parameters I get a Segmentation Fault with both a .gz and a
binary phrase table.

Could you help me figuring out the right settings?

Thanks in advance.
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