(apologies for duplicate posting)

Call for Papers
The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
(IJCNLP 2013) October 14-18, 2013 Nagoya, Japan
Website: http://www.ijcnlp2013.org

The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
organized by the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, will be
held in Nagoya, Japan during the period October 14-18, 2013. The conference
will cover a broad range of technical areas related to the computational
treatment of natural language. IJCNLP  2013 will feature regular papers,
short papers, poster papers, demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops.

IJCNLP 2013 invites submissions of papers reporting original and
unpublished research on all aspects of language processing and
computational linguistics, including, but not limited to, the following:
Phonology; Morphology; Syntax; Semantics; Pragmatics; Discourse; Dialog;
Corpora; Dictionaries; Ontologies; Language resources for minority
languages; Statistical and machine learning approaches; Finite-State
Technology; Language models; POS tagging; Parsing; Semantic role labeling;
Word-sense disambiguation; Anaphora and coreference resolution; Natural
language generation; Speech processing; Dialog systems; Machine
translation; Information retrieval; Information extraction; Named Entity
Recognition; Text summarization; Question answering; Text mining; Opinion
mining and sentiment analysis; NLP for medical applications; NLP for
educational applications; Text accessibility; Plagiarism detection; Author
identification; Spam filtering.

Important Dates
May 17, 2013 (11:59pm Pacific Standard Time): Regular paper/short
paper/poster paper submission due May 24, 2013 (11:59pm Pacific Standard
Time): Demo paper submission due July 8, 2013: Regular paper/short
paper/poster paper/demo paper notification of acceptance August 9, 2013:
Camera-ready versions due Main conference period: October 15-17, 2013

Submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished
work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be
included. Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance, relevance to the conference, and interest to the
attendees. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers.

There will be three categories of papers:

a. Regular papers: their length will be up to 8 pages plus 1 additional
page for references or appendices if needed/applicable; in the conference
program these papers will have a slot of 25 minutes allocated (20 min
presentation +
5 minutes questions and answers)

b. Short papers: their length will be up to 6 pages plus 1 additional page
for references or appendices if needed/applicable; in the program these
papers will have a slot of 20 minutes (15 min presentation + 5 minutes
questions and answers)

c. Poster papers: their length will be up to 4 pages plus 1 additional page
for references or appendices if needed/applicable; in the program these
will be presented at poster sessions.

 All accepted papers will have equal status in the proceedings.

Authors will decide whether their papers are regular, short or posters
depending on their length. Authors will also decide to which which
area/track they are submitting (the START system will be configured to
allow selection of areas).

Paper submissions should follow the two-column format of IJCNLP, conforming
to the LaTeX or Microsoft Word style available on the conference website
and conforming to the instructions to authors found there. Submissions must
be electronic in PDF through the START conference system at:


As the reviewing will be blind, the paper must not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the
author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", must be
avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith,
1991) ...". Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be
rejected without review.

Multiple-submission policy
Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or
publications must provide this information at submission time. If IJCNLP
2013 accepts a paper, authors must notify the program chairs by August 5,
indicating which meeting they choose for presentation of their work. IJCNLP
2013 cannot accept for publication or presentation work that will be (or
has been) published elsewhere.

Organizing Committee
General Chair
Hsin-Hsi Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Program Committee Chairs
Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton, UK Jong Park, KAIST, Korea

Local Organizing Committee Chair
Hitoshi Isahara, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Workshop Committee Chairs
Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University, Japan Scott Wen-tau Yih, Microsoft
Research, USA

Tutorial Chairs
Vincent Ng, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA Satoshi Sekine, New York
University, USA

Demo Chairs
Hang Li, Huawei Technologies Co., China
Kentaro Torisawa, NICT, Japan

Sponsorship Committee Chair
Hiromi Nakaiwa, NTT, Japan

Publication Committee Chairs
Jing Jiang, Singapore Management University, Singapore Lun-Wei Ku, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan

Finance Committee Chairs
Masayuki Okabe, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Masatoshi
Tsuchiya, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Publicity Committee Chairs
Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland Gary Geunbae Lee, POSTECH,
Korea Diego Molla-Aliod, Macquarie University, Australia Chengqing Zong,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Call for Demonstrations

The 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
(IJCNLP 2013) October 14-18, 2013 Nagoya, Japan
Website: http://www.ijcnlp2013.org

The IJCNLP 2013 Demonstration Committee invites proposals for the
Demonstrations Program. We encourage both the submission of early research
prototypes and interesting mature systems. We also welcome demo proposals
related to submissions to the main conference. Commercial sales and
marketing activities however are inappropriate for the Program.

1. Areas of Interest

Areas of interest include all topics related to theoretical and applied
computational linguistics, such as (but not limited to) the topics listed
for in the conference call for papers submission.

The systems may be of the following kinds
- Natural Language Processing systems or system components
- Application systems using language technology components
- Software tools for computational linguistics research
- Software for demonstration or evaluation
- Development and annotation tools

2. Submission Format

Demo proposals consist of the following parts.
- An extended abstract of the technical content to be demonstrated,
including title, authors, full contact information, references, and
- A "script outline" of the demo presentation, including accompanying
narrative, and either a Web address for accessing the demo or visual aids
(e.g., screenshots, snapshots, or diagrams).
- A detailed description of the hardware, software and internet service
requirements expected to be provided by the local organizer. See Demo
Equipment for more details.

Please use the IJCNLP submission format
(http://lang.cs.tut.ac.jp/ijcnlp2013/submission_format/) for Microsoft Word
and LaTeX for preparing your proposal. The entire proposal should not be
more than four pages.

3. Submissions Procedure

The deadline for proposals is May 24, 2013 (11:59pm Pacific Standard Time).
Submission will be electronic in PDF format through the START conference
system at:

(Please do not send the submission to Demo Co-Chairs by email.)

Each submission will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to
computational linguistics, innovation, scientific contribution,
presentation, as well as potential logistical constraints. Accepted
submissions will be allocated maximum four pages in the Companion Volume to
the Proceedings of the Conference.

4. Demo Equipment

Each demo will be provided with an internet connection, two power sockets
(AC 100V, Max 500W for each socket). See
http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2225.html for more information about the
electricity in Japan.), a table and a poster board (90cm x 180cm). PCs and
other devices such as LCD panels must be prepared and brought to the venue
by demonstrators. Note that projectors may not be feasible because of
limitation of space and lighting.

5. Important Dates

May 24, 2013  (11:59pm Pacific Standard Time): Demo proposal submission due
July 8, 2013: Demo proposal acceptance notification August 9, 2013: Demo
paper camera-ready version due October 15-17: Conference

6. Demonstrations Chairs

Kentaro Torisawa (NICT, Japan)
Hang Li (Huawei Technologies, Hong Kong) Any inquiry should be emailed to

Wilker Aziz

PhD candidate at The Research Group in Computational Linguistics
Research Institute of Information and Language Processing (RIILP)
University of Wolverhampton
Stafford Street
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