Hi -

We switched to using IRSTLM recently, in order to build bigger  
language models.  I am starting to think, however, that the entire  
model is still being loaded into memory.  Here's part of what Moses  
prints out now:

Start loading LanguageModel /net/tidesserver/tidesserver_raid7/clasr/ 
john/mt4st/experiments/mt4st.NEWLM1/working-dir/lm/mitrebnbc.blm :  
[33.000] seconds
In LanguageModelIRST::Load: nGramOrder = 5
Loading LM file (no MAP)
reading  256 centers
reading  256 centers
reading  256 centers
reading  256 centers
reading  256 centers
loading 483595 1-grams
loading 6753166 2-grams
loading 29675357 3-grams
loading 57676563 4-grams
loading 70527466 5-grams
OOV code is 483594
IRST: m_unknownId=483594
Set dictionary_upperbound to: 483596
Set logOOVpenalty to: 0.000
Finished loading LanguageModels : [55.000] seconds

Does "no MAP" indeed mean that the whole LM is being loaded?  The  
code at that point (trunk/moses/src/LanguageModelIRST.cpp) seems to  
distinguish between getting called with one vs two filenames, where  
the second one is a "micro-macro map file".  We are just passing the  
binary .blm file into Moses - is this incorrect?

Thanks for any advice.

- John Burger
Moses-support mailing list

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