>> Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS)
>> January, 16-20 2023
>> Virtual Event
>> We are opening the registration for the third Advanced Language Processing 
>> School (ALPS), co-organized by University Grenoble Alpes and Naver Labs 
>> Europe.
>> *Target Audience*
>> This is a winter school covering advanced topics in NLP, and we are 
>> primarily targeting doctoral students and advanced (research) masters. A few 
>> slots will also be reserved for academics and persons working in 
>> research-heavy positions in industry.
>> *Characteristics*
>> Advanced lectures by first class researchers. A (virtual) atmosphere that 
>> fosters connections and interaction. A poster session for attendees to 
>> present their work, gather feedback and brainstorm future work ideas.
>> *Speakers*
>> The current list of speakers is: Michael Auli (Meta, USA), Kyunghyun Cho 
>> (New York University, USA); Yejin Choi (University of Washington and Allen 
>> Institute for AI, USA); Dirk Hovy (Bocconi University, Italia); Colin Raffel 
>> (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Hugging Face, USA); Lucia 
>> Specia (Imperial College, UK), François Yvon (LISN/CNRS, France).  
>> *Application*
>> To apply to this winter school, please follow the instructions at 
>> http://alps.imag.fr/index.php/application/ 
>> <http://alps.imag.fr/index.php/application/> . The deadline for applying is 
>> Sept 16th, and we will notify acceptance on October 3rd.
>> *Contact*
>> Website: http://alps.imag.fr/ <http://alps.imag.fr/>E-mail: 
>> a...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr <mailto:a...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>

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