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From: Apurva Joshi <apurvajoshi1...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:40 PM
Subject: moses using cpp help
To: David Madl <da...@madlnet.net>

plz help...m really confused...i want to access *bestHypo in Manager.cpp
to get best op translation...

i got that moses-cmd/src/Main.cpp.....  <===uses phrase based decoding

where ..

LoadParam function in Moses::Parameter class loads moses.ini ....

LoadDataStatic function in Moses::StaticData intitialize global
variable...also loads LM

not getting job of IOwrapper

den create task of translating one sentense
// set up task of translating one sentence
      TranslationTask* task = new TranslationTask(source, *ioWrapper);

but what should be written in "TranslationTask" class  ....so that run()
function in it will do translation and will print op in file using

guyzz just want to write one pgm of giving ip, load moses.ini , do
translation , access *bestHypo and write it to file.....

plzz help ...tell me what should i write in run() ????

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