MT Marathon 2014   and   Open Source Convention

Organized and sponsored by MosesCore EU project (,
Machine Translation Marathon 2014 is a week-long gathering of machine
translation researchers, developers, students and users. It features:

- MT Lectures and Labs covering the basics and tutorials
- Invited talks from experienced researchers and practitioners
- Technical Talks about open source tools
- Hacking Projects to advance tools or research in one week

The Machine Translation Marathon 2014, MTM2014, will take place in
Trento, Italy in September 8--13th, 2014. It is organised by the the Human
Language Technology group of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento.

The registration is now open. It's free, but strictly limited to 100
people. For
more information, see:


Similarly to the past editions, we are pleased to be able to offer up to 6
bursaries to
enable students new to the field to attend the marathon. For more
information, see:

Applications should be submitted to the local organisers (mtm2014 AT list
DOT fbk DOT eu) by *July 13th*.


The MT Marathon will again host an Open Source Convention to advance
the state of the art in Machine Translation. We invite developers of open
source tools to present their work and submit a paper of up to 10 pages
that describes the underlying methodology and includes instructions on how
to use the tools.

We are looking for stand-alone tools and extensions of existing tools, such
as the Moses open source system. Accepted papers will be presented during
the MT Marathon and published in the Prague Bulletin of Mathematical

Possible Paper Topics:

- Training of Machine Translation models
- Machine Translation decoders
- Tuning of Machine Translation systems
- Evaluation of Machine Translation
- Visualisation, annotation or debugging tools
- Tools for human translators
- Interfaces for web-based services or APIs
- Extensions of existing tools
- Other tools for Machine Translation

Important Dates:

Abstract submission:                   July 3, 2014 (1 paragraph to
allocate reviewers)
Grant Request:                            July 13, 2014
Paper submission:                       July 17, 2014
Notification:                                 July 31, 2014
Camera-ready:                            August 7, 2014
Deadline for Registration:           August 31, 2014
Presentations:                             September 8--13, 2014
(MT Marathon in Trento)

Instructions for authors and full details are available at the web page

Looking forward to seeing you in Trento!
the MTM 2014 organizers
Moses-support mailing list

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