>  Hello all
 I have been working with Berkeley Aligner for a while now.  I had a
> question
>  regarding it's configuration file. I am trying to align English-Hindi
> parallel corpus as provided
>  at the following link. http://www.cse.unt.edu/~rada/wpt05/#def . This
> link provided me with 3     datasets namely:-
>  1)training data (size = 3440 parallel sentence pairs),
>  2)development data and (size = 25 parallel sentence pairs),
>  3)test data. (size = 90 parallel sentence pairs),
>  I have downloaded all three of them and out of these three the development
>  and testdata have the file containing human world alignments, and the
>  training data don't have it. On the basis of these datasets I have made
> the
>  following .conf file for Berkeley aligner(attached in this mail) However
> on
>  running the aligner I don't know why it is giving me 3441 lines of
> alignment
>  in output. The name of output file is also train.align. I wanted it to
>  output the file with alignments of the parallel corpus in the test data.
> Can
>  anyone please tell me what is wrong with my configuration file?
>  regards
>  Debu

Attachment: align.conf
Description: Binary data

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