Please ask question on the moses mailing list rather than individual people
directly. Then others can answer and learn from your question. Don't forget
to subscribe to the mailing list 1st before asking, you can subscribe here:

To answer your question - yes, you must run tuning after you create the
moses.ini file in the model folder.

The decoder failed to run. This could be because it hasn't compiled
successfully, or you've mispelt the folder where it's supposed to be

Hieu Hoang

On 3 February 2017 at 13:11, Arpita Dutta <> wrote:

> Respected Sir,
>       I would like to introduce myself as a research scholar from
> India,working in machine translation from english to bengali in National
> Institute of Technology Silchar, India (
> Sir, I am following Prof. Koehen's Moses manual for decoding purpose where
> I am facing the error while running the code for tuning given below.The
> error is highlighted.
> nits@cse:~/Desktop/ad/demo$ /home/nits/Desktop/ad/
> mosesdecoder/scripts/training/ 
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/data/tuning.en
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/data/tuning.ben 
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin/moses
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/model/moses.ini --working-dir
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/tuning --rootdir /home/nits/Desktop/ad/
> mosesdecoder/scripts
> Using SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/scripts
> Assuming --mertdir=/home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin
> filtering the phrase tables... Fri Feb  3 18:19:54 IST 2017
> exec: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/
> ./filtered 
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/model/moses.ini
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/data/tuning.en
> Executing: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/
> ./filtered 
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/model/moses.ini
> /home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/data/tuning.en > filterphrases.out 2>
> filterphrases.err
> Asking moses for feature names and values from filtered/moses.ini
> Executing: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin/moses  -config
> filtered/moses.ini -show-weights
> exec: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin/moses  -config
> filtered/moses.ini -show-weights
> Executing: /home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin/moses  -config
> filtered/moses.ini -show-weights > ./features.list 2> /dev/null
> Exit code: 1
> ERROR: Failed to run '/home/nits/Desktop/ad/mosesdecoder/bin/moses
> -config filtered/moses.ini -show-weights'. at /home/nits/Desktop/ad/
> mosesdecoder/scripts/training/ line 1748.
> nits@cse:~/Desktop/ad/demo$
> This moses.ini conguration file has been created after tuning.
> #########################
> #########################
> # input factors
> [input-factors]
> 0
> # mapping steps
> [mapping]
> 0 T 0
> [distortion-limit]
> 6
> # feature functions
> [feature]
> UnknownWordPenalty
> WordPenalty
> PhrasePenalty
> PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/tuning/filtered/phrase-table.0-0.1.1.gz
> input-factor=0 output-factor=0
> LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6
> type=wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff input-factor=0 output-factor=0
> path=/home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/tuning/filtered/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.0-0.1
> Distortion
> IRSTLM name=LM0 factor=0 path=/home/nits/Desktop/ad/demo/lm/train.ilm.gz
> order=3
> # dense weights for feature functions
> [weight]
> # The default weights are NOT optimized for translation quality. You MUST
> tune the weights.
> # Documentation for tuning is here:
> n=FactoredTraining.Tuning
> UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
> WordPenalty0= -1
> PhrasePenalty0= 0.2
> TranslationModel0= 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
> LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
> Distortion0= 0.3
> LM0= 0.5
> *1. Whether my process of tuning is corrector not.If it is wrong ,How to
> tune the weights properly?*
> *2.whether I have to tune the weights after creating moses.ini file in
> model folder.*
> Sir please help me out how to resolve this problem.If my code is wrong
> then  kindly suggest me the correct code for this.
> With Regards
> Mrs. Arpita dutta
> Phd Scholar
> NIT Silchar, India
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