(Sorry for multiple posting)

Are you a *MS or a PhD student*? Are you interested in carrying out *research
on NLP* during the summer? Are you excited to spend few summer weeks in a
nice city in the *middle of the Alps*?


The Human Language Technology Machine Translation (HLT-MT) group at
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, Italy) is happy to announce the
availability of internships for MA/MS and PhD students interested in
carrying out research projects on Machine Translation and Automatic Speech
Recognition during our *2015 summer internship program*.

The *Summer Internship Program *(
http://hlt.fbk.eu/summer-internship-call-2015) is an exciting opportunity
for students pursuing their graduate thesis to enrich their scientific
background by working directly with researchers from NLP. Together with
her/his adviser, the successful student candidate will focus on a specific
language technology topic. The topics are chosen such that the
implementation, the experiments and the analysis of results are carried out
over a few weeks period.

Motivated students with a valuable curriculum in various Natural Language
Processing topics are invited to submit their application before *April 30,
2015 *following the appropriate link on the Summer Internship Program page.

At application stage, the candidate will be required to *i) *submit her/his
cv; *ii)* indicate a work that represent her/him; *iii)* express
her/his preference between machine translation and automatic speech
recognition (applying for both topics is allowed). Specific projects in the
preferred area will be proposed to selected candidates.

For all accepted students, lodging at the university campus, meals and
transport expenses (limited contribution) will be sponsored by the HLT-MT

Further enquiries to:

Mauro Cettolo <surname> AT fbk <obvious-punctuation-mark-here> eu
Moses-support mailing list

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