[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count-Update 3/31

2004-03-31 Thread bjbor...@aol.com
Westskyline Hawkwatch, Duluth, MN. Flight continues at the WSHC.=20 Today's flight (31 March) was counted under mostly blue skies and Northeast= =20 winds at the Thompson Hill lookout. The flight of 516 raptors was a great wa= y=20 to end the month. Among the totals included: Turkey Vulture-2

[mou] waterfowl in Grand Marais

2004-03-31 Thread Steve and Sherry Watson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0001_01C41756.DDDEA9C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hey, Today (31) I was birding in Grand Marais and saw a cedar waxwing in an ash tree as well as a merlin that flew over

[mou] Snow Goose - St. Louis County

2004-03-31 Thread aabier
Today I saw a snow goose on Silver Lake, in Virginia, St. Louis County. I looked at the mou map, it looks like snow geese are not usually this far north in the county, and the first one I have seen. It was with a small group of Canada geese, some of the 100 or so now staying around the lake.

[mou] Ross Goose, Pelicans - Winona County

2004-03-31 Thread Chad Aakre
Yo birders, The Ross Goose was still present at 5:00 p.m. today at the previously mentioned spot in the Whitewater Management Area, Winona County. There was also what I believe to be a partial albino Canada Goose on the same pool of water. The head and the neck were mottled white and the

[mou] MRVAC Southwestern Minnesota - Field Trip Report - 3/28 - 30, 2004

2004-03-31 Thread egretc...@aol.com
---1080765226 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter Southwestern Minnesota Field Trip Report 3/28 - 30, 2004 While leading a trip to Southwestern Minnesota our group found the following sp

[mou] and, one more thing....

2004-03-31 Thread Bill Lane
--=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII i have no idea what &nb sp; means. *** Bill Lane owl...@mindspring.com www.mindspring.com/~owlman Why Wait? Move to EarthLink. --=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268

[mou] owl surveys

2004-03-31 Thread Bill Lane
--=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII I completed my first round of owl surveys last night, beneath a crystal clear, northern Minnesota sky. My survey protocol consists of: 1/2 mile intervals and 3-min listening periods. Owls are identified accor

[mou] Guidelines

2004-03-31 Thread marklar...@aol.com
I am certainly not one of the elite birders in the state but would like to weigh in with a bit of a different opinion. As you can see by the fact that I am just now writing about 7 or 8 day old posts, I don't get to check e-mail at home as often as I would like. I previously subscribed t

[mou] Chipping Sparrows

2004-03-31 Thread Anthony X. Hertzel
Each March I receive a few reports of Chipping Sparrow being heard in Minnesota. I think there is good reason to question heard-only birds. The table below represents currently accepted earliest arrival dates for Chipping Sparrow in Minnesota. ---

[mou] Loons (5) on Lake Phalen, St Paul]

2004-03-31 Thread lnyg...@pol.net
There were 5 adult common loons in breeding plumage near the east shore of Lake Phalen (in northeastern St Paul) as of noon today. Since the ice is only about half gone, they are a bit closer to shore than might be usual later in the spring migration. This is the most I have personally seen on the

[mou] Peregrine falcons in downtown St Paul

2004-03-31 Thread MARTELL, Mark
QnVkIFRvcmRvZmYgcmVwb3J0cyBwZXJlZ3JpbmUgYmFjayBhdCB0aGUgTm9ydGggQ2VudHJhbCBM aWZlIEJ1aWxkaW5nLiBUaGV5IGhhdmUgYWxyZWFkeSBsYXllZCBvbmUgZWdnLg0KIA0KTWFyayBN YXJ0ZWxsDQpBdWR1Ym9uIE1pbm5lc290YQ0KDQoJLS0tLS1PcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlLS0tLS0g DQoJRnJvbTogU1VTQU4gSFVMVCBbbWFpbHRvOmluY3JlZGlibGVodWx0QG1zbi5jb21d

[mou] Merlins back in Duluth's Lakeside

2004-03-31 Thread Laura Erickson
A pair of Merlins has been calling and flying about in my neighborhood this morning. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, my family prefers that no birders show up unannounced on our property, at least for a while. Please email or call ahead if you plan to check out birds in

[mou] Peregrine falcons in downtown St Paul

2004-03-31 Thread SUSAN HULT
We saw a Peregrine flying around again today. Its so nice to see her/him! We sometimes see two of them flying around. I wonder if there is going to be a nest downtown somewhere. They hang close to the US Bank Building (the one with the big red "1" that lights up on top) on 5th & Mn street.