Returning at about 6pm I was able to refine the location where I saw the
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, while traveling at 70mph. The bird was at or
just south of 250th Street on the NW side of 169. However, I was unable to
refind the bird at 6pm.
Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
On Sunday I led a MRVAC field trip to Collischan Road in Red Wing. We found:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - great look carrying food
Acadian Flycatcher - vocal pair was observed feeding young in nest. Probably
first county record of nesting
Ovenbirds - numerous, but unseen
Cerulean Warbler - two heard
At about 6:00 pm tonight I located a Western Kingbird while birding north of
Austin. I spent over an hour observing and photographing the bird. I
posted one of the better pictures on MOU website under Recently Seen.
Location is approximately 6 miles north of Austin on US Hwy 218, then east
on 2
June 14, 2010
It was one of those days in birding that are all too rare. One of those days
where you find everything you are looking for and more.
You can skip straight to the photos here:
Driving the Whyte Road (just 0.2 miles from
Steve Weston just called to report a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Scott
County that he saw while driving down US 169 south of Belle Plaine. He
saw it flying across the road, apparently with the intent of landing on
the utility wire on the NW side of 169, north of 250th St. According to
my map boo
Congratulations on your re-nesting EBB's. I would highly recommend that you
do not disturb the HOSP nest at this point and instead install a sparrow
spooker ASAP on the EBB nest box.
Here is an example of a spooker:
If you need any help buildi
While I understand Mike's point, I look at this issue from a slightly
different perspective. Firstly, I am not embarrassed by the fact that a
sighting of mine has been rejected by MOURC. Their standards are high
and that is as it should be. By the same token, a rejection does not
necessarily mea
If the rejection of a report was a personal rejection and thus a legitimate
source of embarrassment, then I'd agree with Mike. But the ideal situation
would be for us to look at bird reports as what they are--one birder's
report of a bird that s/he believes is a particular thing, which can be true
I agree with Mike.
Bob Holtz
-Original Message-
From: Minnesota Birds [] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:35 PM
Subject: [mou-net] MOU Website & RQD Review Page
Well its rainy and I got the day
Well its rainy and I got the day off because of it. I was browsing around on
the MOU website ( and noticed on the web page for Review RQD
Documentation ( that the MOU website
manager(s) has added a vote column next to the bird that
Have a pair of Evening Grosbeaks at my feeder along with a pair of
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Haven't seen evenings here since I posted Nov 10, '09.
Saw Barred Owls fledge from one of the boxes here May 29. What a scene!
Eileen from Carlton County
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Thanks to everyone who has offered info on where to find Connecticut
warblers in the northeastern part of the state. We tried each, heard one
singing male, tried played the tape, couldn't get him into view (ditto the
next day, too).
However, we did see a GG owl and ruffed grouse without even tryi
we are going to Chicago this weekend, and I'm wondering if anyone can recommend
a good birding spot. we will not have a car, so it would have to be accessible
from the subway.
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Last night's impromptu evening BBA check confirmed a suspicion that
spotted sandpipers have claimed a summer place in downtown St. Paul,
in the "empty" industrial lot just west of the new Xcel Energy plant.
It's a high sand/dirt flat, dotted with dozens of shallow, ephemeral
ponds/puddles, a few de
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