Between 11 am and 2 pm today, my wife and I observed a Swainson's Hawk low
and directly overhead at the intersection of 284th and MN 56 in Dakota
County heading south [this is the Randolf Industrial Park site]. In the
little marsh in the NW quadrant of that intersection was heard a Virginia
Rail an
Jan and Larry Kraemer saw two Red-throated Loons today (6/24/2011) at
the east end of Brighton Beach (a.k.a. Kitchi Gammi Park) in Duluth.
They were swimming towards the Lester River.
Jim Lind
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I spotted a Redhead near the south end of the west arm of Vadnais Lake this
morning. This is in Ramsey county, just north of #694 and east of Rice
Bob Holtz
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We checked Carpenter Nature Center's MN Campus prairie for Sedge Wrens this
morning. No luck so far.
There were two Bobolink singing and a bunch of Grasshopper Sparrows singing.
Jen Vieth
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