Lars Benson found a Harlequin Duck at Paradise Beach on Lake Superior this
afternoon (11/25) around 4 pm. It was with a small mixed group of
goldeneyes and Buffleheads.
Also, there were four Long-tailed Ducks and a Northern Shrike at Good
Harbor Bay, plus numbers of both waxwing species and White-
I've been finding a lot of Eagles S.W. of Genola between Genola and Crane
Meadows. They are scavenging the fields around the many chicken barns. This
time every year they seem to know where the food is. Mostly
young immature's who aren't the best hunters. I am trying to find Snowy's
in Stearns also
The Long-Tailed Duck and a winter plumaged Common Loon were present at Lake
Calhoun this afternoon at about 1:30pm. The duck and loon were both moving
along the southern shore of the lake with the duck staying more to the south
to southwest side of the lake and the loon was moving from the southwes
A search at the airport, at around 3:30, revealed no Snowy Owl,
despite checking structures of various heights and the ground itself
from all the standard viewing places. The one vantage point not
checked was the northern-most one, the dead-end street accessed from
Hwy 62 eastbound, near Mother Lak
A male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was at our feeders this afternoon. Grey Cloud
Island, Washington County
Tom Bell
Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Rd. S.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071
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Sure are a lot of reports pertaining to Snowy Owls. I received a report from
Kowalcyk who found one 1mile West and 1/4 mile South of Royalton right off the
Benton/Morrison County Line. First Snowy's picked up in Morrison in a while.
Nothing else special except many, many Eagles in the Pie
After my posting of the Houston County Snowy this morning, Linda Born of Waseca
e-mailed me and asked me to post her sighting of a Smowy Owl in northwest
Steele County. She observed the bird along CR 23 about 2.5 miles east of where
this road intersects with CR 4. I'm not certain what time the b
This morning, Earl Orf and I found 2 Snowy Owls on the ice along the
eastern edge of Lake Winnibigoshish in Itasca County.
Shawn Conrad
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Chuck Krulas redound the owl about a mile west of 24 just off of 3. You need to
go south on a driveway toward a large tan building next to a trailer house to
view the bird - I think the house number is 5932. The bird was on the ground
very close to the yard by the trailer house
Sent from Bob
One Greater white-fronted Goose was among the many Canadas on the
beach at Pt. Douglas at noon. I could not find any Cakckling Geese,
nor were there any waterfowl by the Prescott marina, where several
fishing boats were on the water.
Linda Whyte
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I haven't yet, but mean to do that today and will post if I see one.
Linda Whyte
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Jim wrote:
> Has anyone checked the Mpls. St.Paul airport for Snowy Owls?
> Jim Williams
> Wayzata, Minnesota
Today, Nov 25, there were an adult male Barrow's Goldeneye and a Surf
Scoter at Park Point in Duluth. The goldeneye was independently seen
by Peder Svingen and myself on the bay side from both 32nd and 33rd
Streets. It was among several Common Goldeneyes, and probably the same
individual Pe
Female Black Scoter, Mille Lacs Lake, Wealthwood pulloff, Aitkin County.
Missed Snowy Owl, Aitkin 54 & 169. Ironically, while searching for the owl,
received report of a possible snowy in Princeton (4 miles from home).
Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
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The Summer Tanager was seen at 10:15 at the Carpenter Nature Center - in front
of the Apple Shack feeding on Bittersweet accompanied by a couple of Northern
Sue Plankis
Lakeville, MN
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John Hockema just called and asked me to post that he and Chris Hockema just
found a Snowy Owl in Houston County near the intersection of CR 3 & CR 24
between Caledonia and Brownsville.
The bird was initially seen in flight about 9:30 am but landed atop a telephone
pole and was still perched the
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