[mou-net] Iceland Gull (possible Glaucoides), Thayer's Gull and migrating Northern Goshawk in Duluth

2012-02-24 Thread Erik Bruhnke
While birdwatching at Canal Park this afternoon with my friend Kirk Mona, we had some great looks at Thayer's Gulls, an Iceland Gull (one 1st-cycle Kumlien's, plus the individual noted below), a few Ring-billed Gulls and about 50 Herring Gulls. Upon arriving at Canal Park around noon today, a dista

[mou-net] early virginia rail, south dakota

2012-02-24 Thread Jim
A little out of our usual range, but interesting: a Virginia Rail was seen yesterday foraging on a pile of mud and ice at Sand Lake NWR near Aberdeen, S.D. Jim Williams Wayzata MN http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/homegarden/blogs/Wingnut.html Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/

[mou-net] saw whet owl

2012-02-24 Thread Jean Marble
Yesterday,I observed a saw whet owl at the Dodge nature center in West St paul. I understand it has been perched in a small set of young pines for over a month now and I believe it is still there. If you are going over to see it, go in the south entrance on Marie ave. and park in the parking lot

[mou-net] [mou-rba] MOU RBA 24 February 2012

2012-02-24 Thread Anthony Hertzel
-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *February 24, 2012 *MNST1202.24 -Birds mentioned Long-tailed Duck Barrow's Goldeneye Northern Hawk Owl American Three-toed Woodpecker Carolina Wren Townsend's Solitaire Varied Thrush Lapland Longspur Snow Bunting White-throated Sparrow -Transcript Hotline: Min