After a lot of activity at the JFBell Nature Area (Golden Valley, Hennepin
County) involving sparrows, bluebirds, a female tanager and a few warblers the
weather cleared. A small flock of Turkey Vultures appeared, a few sharp shins,
a flyover Harrier and a close encounter with a Cooper Hawk. Bef
At the General Mills Research Nature Area this morning a Fox Sparrow was
poking around the brush with many White-throated Sparrows, 1 White-Crowned
Sparrow, and about 3 or 4 Lincoln's Sparrows.
Justin Watts
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There are a few late season shorebirds this morning at the Sleepy Eye WTP's,
which includes:
2 Dunlin
3 Long-billed Dowitchers
1 Lesser Yellowlegs
1 Pectoral Sandpiper
2 Least Sandpipers
These numbers change daily. Yesterday morning Mike Oetken and I saw a Merlin
and a Peregrine Falcon (al
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