[mou-net] Blue Grosbeak, Brown County

2014-06-26 Thread Brian & Risa Smith
This evening there was a first summer male Blue Grosbeak singing at Hoffmann Landfill, 24214 220th St., Home township. This is very close to the Cottonwood river and a couple of miles SE of Sleepy Eye. There was a pair of Blue Grosbeaks which successfully nested last summer at this same locatio

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Thursday, June 26, 2014

2014-06-26 Thread Jeanie Joppru
-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *June 26, 2014 *MNDL1406.26 -Birds mentioned Greater Prairie-Chicken Marbled Godwit Yellow-billed Cuckoo Western Kingbird Loggerhead Shrike Blue-headed Vireo Winter Wren Hermit Thrush Cedar Waxwing Chestnut-collared Longspur Black-and-white Warbler Nashville Warbler