This might be a new "Nature" series on animal homes. This one is about
birds nests and building them. The promo showed weaver birds, but many more
I'm sure since it is an hour long. In MSP area, it is TPT 2 (2-1) by
antenna. Check cable, direct, and dish, etc channels.
St Pau
Just a quick look and spotted quite a few Fox Sparrows, both kinglets, and
also Brown Creeper.
In the small pond - 2 Trumpeter Swans, Wood Duck, Mallard, 3 male
Bufflehead, and too many Hooded Mergansers to count.
Fun afternoon.
Anoka, MN
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As of 2 days ago there were 2 eggs in the nest on the Gonda building. Yesterday
when I walked by the live cam the female was on the nest and I could not see if
there was a third egg.
Also - In walks around the Isaac Walton Wetlands in Rochester the last 2 days I
saw several eastern phoebes, he
Yesterday Connie Jo and I were at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. After an
appointment we were sitting by the large bank of windows on the 15th floor of
the Gonda Building, looking at the pigeons flying around and wondering where
the Peregrine Falcons might be. Within a few minutes, a falcon fle
Yesterday I was at the Coon Rapids Dam around 5:15 and from the Coon Rapids
side i saw two osprey on the power tower on the Brooklyn Park side. I
immediately took some photos then drove over there where i saw a female osprey
perched on the corner of the tower and the male flying around. Lat
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