[mou-net] Lark sparrow Duluth Lafayette square

2015-05-16 Thread Jesse Ellis
31st and Minnesota feeding in the playing field. Jesse Ellis St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Fallout at Park Point Duluth

2015-05-16 Thread Jesse Ellis
Lots of warblers of 24 species, including Black-throated blue. Jesse Ellis From Saint Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Carlos Avery today

2015-05-16 Thread Ron Taube
Hi I went out with Lyle Bradley’s ornithology class to Carlos Avery Wildlife Refuge today. We saw about 40 species including Eastern Wood Pewee, Black Terns, marsh and sedge wrens, Swainsons Thrush, Northern Waterthrush, and first of the year for me Scarlet Tanager and Chestnut sided warbler.

[mou-net] Kentucky Warbler (Hennepin Co.)

2015-05-16 Thread Alyssa DeRubeis
I receive eBird Alerts for rare birds in Minnesota. One of the reports said that Joshua Christian heard and observed a Kentucky Warbler at Crow-Hassan Park Reserve at 6:30am this morning. Here's his description of the bird: Very vocal bird, first identified by churree churree churree song. yellow

[mou-net] Active RTHA nest at Parade Stadium, Mpls

2015-05-16 Thread Claudia Egelhoff
Yesterday I viewed the white fuzzy head of a hawk nestling on one of the light platforms above the Parade Stadium on Kenwood Parkway, Mpls. An adult, presumably the female, was seen flying above the stadium field and finally settling on the nest on the south-west light platform. The nest is best

[mou-net] St. Johns University campus and Albany Sewage Ponds

2015-05-16 Thread Dave Zumeta
Observed 116 species today, mostly in Stearns County while leading walks on the St. Johns University campus in the morning and while participating on an MOU trip to the Albany Sewage Ponds in the afternoon. The group as a whole observed 110+ species on the St. Johns campus alone. Interesting

[mou-net] McLeod Marbled Godwits

2015-05-16 Thread Hoeger-Lerdal
Two Marbled Godwits at Eagle Lake in McLeod this morning (05/15) along with Hundreds of Dowitchers (S-B?), Dunlins, Stilt Sands., and Wilson's Phalaropes (and the scattered Yellowlegs, swans, pelicans, egrets, and what seemed to be 12 distant Forster's Terns). Scope a necessity. Also a nice