Re: [mou-net] Weekly regional reports

2016-10-14 Thread Jan
First time sending. Glad to receive NW report on 10/13. Duluth still missing as an email but is on the MOU Website. From: Jan Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 11:03 PM To: Reuther, Brigitte Subject: Re: [mou-net] Weekly regional reports Glad to receive NW report

[mou-net] Ibis at Albany WTP

2016-10-14 Thread mou
(Posted by Daniel Orr via The Ibis that were reported earlier at Albany WTP have not as yet been identified to species. Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] Survey

2016-10-14 Thread Bob Holtz
A question concerning my earlier e-mail has been asked. I am looking for information only from MOU members, not all list serve users. Thanks. Bob Holtz Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] 2 White-faced Ibis just seen at Albany WTP in Stearns County.

2016-10-14 Thread mou
(Posted by Daniel Orr via I found two White-faced In is at the Albany WTP. W ere on the front pond then flushed by a eagle and flew to back pond. Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] U. of MN connection

2016-10-14 Thread Bob Holtz
If you graduated from the University of Minnesota, you received an e-mail describing the impact of graduates in the state and metro area. It struck me that it might be of interest to see the university's impact on the MOU. With that in mind, I Would like to collect such data. If you are a U. of MN

Re: [mou-net] Red Phalarope update request

2016-10-14 Thread Linda Gammello
Not seen at 11:15. Sent from my iPad > On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:19 AM, Jason Caddy wrote: > > I was planning on heading out to see the phalarope this morning but am in a > holding pattern because I saw the second hand report on Minnesota Birding > Facebook that the bird was not seen at 8:00am. A

[mou-net] MOU and the Bell Museum

2016-10-14 Thread Manley Olson
The MOU has been holding its paper session at the Bell Museum since 1954. As you probably know the current Bell is closing on December 31, 2016. A new Bell Museum of Natural History and Planetarium is under construction on the St. Paul Campus of the U of M and is scheduled to open in the Summ

[mou-net] Red Phalarope update request

2016-10-14 Thread Jason Caddy
I was planning on heading out to see the phalarope this morning but am in a holding pattern because I saw the second hand report on Minnesota Birding Facebook that the bird was not seen at 8:00am. Any updates, negative or positive, would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Jason Caddy Minneapol

Re: [mou-net] Fwd: [mou-net] Rufous Hummingbird

2016-10-14 Thread wlpenning
Any news on the hummer today? Can someone post directions and host expectations? Thanks, Bill > On Oct 13, 2016, at 10:33 AM, Alex wrote: > > Jacqui Baker (the host) reported that she saw the hummingbird again at > 10:00am this morning (10/13). > > Sent from my iPhone > > Begin forwarded

[mou-net] Coots and eBird

2016-10-14 Thread
My take on why Minnesota eBirders are given a choice between entering “American Coot” or “American Coot (Red-shielded)” when entering coot observations is discussed on this morning’s blog: Lots of coots at the Jefferson Parkway Wetlands in eastern Northfiel