I believe this report is from his cabin up north. There is a pair of
Trumpeters on a lake. One sits almost constantly on the nest that an
inspection from a drone confirms is empty. The other guards the area. Loons
and grebes are tolerated, but Canada Geese are not. It will attack gulls
that gather
In addition to the Red Crossbills reported this morning by Bob Ekblad, I found
another in Nobles County (a juvenile) at Lake Bella Recreation Area earlier
this evening. It was found among a row of conifers that are on the east side
of the road that goes north from the entrance to the park on 34
(Posted by David L. Brislance via moumn.org)
A steady stream of warblers flew over the Sawtooth Mts. this afternoon. Many
Blackpoll, Chestnut-sided, Tennessee, Northern Parula, and Nashville Warblers.
Most I have seen in the last two weeks.
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About 25 red crossbills in a tight flock flew south over downtown Park
Rapids this morning. By the "gentler" call type, I think these may be from
the population(s) that are being seen in western and southwestern
Minnesota, rather than our resident crossbills.
Marshall Howe
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(Posted by David L. Brislance via moumn.org)
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I found Red Crossbills at the cemetery right off of US59 just north of Slayton
in Murray County. There were 2 birds calling from the tree at the south end of
the cemetery. I later heard calling on the north side of the entrance road. I
didn't get a recording as I was too preoccupied with getting
I found Red Crossbills at the Sunset Rest Cemetery a mile east of Rushmore in
Nobles County. The cemetery is on the east side of CR67 1/2 mi south of CR35.
The birds were on the east side close to the north end of the larger trees.
Sent from Bob Ekblad's iPhone
Byron, MN - Olmsted
You may recall my project of observing chickadees for 675 consecutive days
about three years ago. After a while I decided to try the same with crows.
After 789 consecutive days of observing at least one crow per day that ended
yesterday. I thought it would most likely happen on one of
8 matches
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