[mou-net] This Trumpeter hates gulls

2017-08-30 Thread Steve Weston
I believe this report is from his cabin up north. There is a pair of Trumpeters on a lake. One sits almost constantly on the nest that an inspection from a drone confirms is empty. The other guards the area. Loons and grebes are tolerated, but Canada Geese are not. It will attack gulls that gather

[mou-net] Red Crossbill/Nobles County

2017-08-30 Thread Brian and Risa Smith
In addition to the Red Crossbills reported this morning by Bob Ekblad, I found another in Nobles County (a juvenile) at Lake Bella Recreation Area earlier this evening. It was found among a row of conifers that are on the east side of the road that goes north from the entrance to the park on 34

[mou-net] Warbler Migration

2017-08-30 Thread mou
(Posted by David L. Brislance via moumn.org) A steady stream of warblers flew over the Sawtooth Mts. this afternoon. Many Blackpoll, Chestnut-sided, Tennessee, Northern Parula, and Nashville Warblers. Most I have seen in the last two weeks. Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-

[mou-net] Red crossbills, Hubbard County

2017-08-30 Thread marshall or janet howe/mcmillen
About 25 red crossbills in a tight flock flew south over downtown Park Rapids this morning. By the "gentler" call type, I think these may be from the population(s) that are being seen in western and southwestern Minnesota, rather than our resident crossbills. Marshall Howe Join or Leave mou

[mou-net] Warbler Migration

2017-08-30 Thread mou
(Posted by David L. Brislance via moumn.org) Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Murray County Red Crossbills

2017-08-30 Thread Bob Ekblad
I found Red Crossbills at the cemetery right off of US59 just north of Slayton in Murray County. There were 2 birds calling from the tree at the south end of the cemetery. I later heard calling on the north side of the entrance road. I didn't get a recording as I was too preoccupied with getting

[mou-net] Nobles County Red Crossbills

2017-08-30 Thread Bob Ekblad
I found Red Crossbills at the Sunset Rest Cemetery a mile east of Rushmore in Nobles County. The cemetery is on the east side of CR67 1/2 mi south of CR35. The birds were on the east side close to the north end of the larger trees. Sent from Bob Ekblad's iPhone 507-269-7436 Byron, MN - Olmsted

[mou-net] crows

2017-08-30 Thread Bob Holtz
Birders: You may recall my project of observing chickadees for 675 consecutive days about three years ago. After a while I decided to try the same with crows. After 789 consecutive days of observing at least one crow per day that ended yesterday. I thought it would most likely happen on one of