You choose to nest in Freeborn County.
  I watched a pair of Red-necked Grebes carrying nesting materials and mating 
(quick and noisy). Darcy Sime, who found the birds, saw and photographed an 
egg, but heavy rains might have washed that nest away. The pair is at 
21731-21729 715th Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007
  Birding has been wicked good.
  At Arrowhead Park along Freeborn Lake, the ground was feathered with elegant 
cedar waxwings feeding on midges. Midges were in such high numbers that it 
brought memories of Yankee pitcher Joba Chamberlain being driven to distraction 
by midges during Game 2 of the 2007 ALDS.
  I walked White Woods County Park and heard the call of a Wood Thrush. It sang 
a flutelike “Frit-O-Lay.” It was thrilling to hear and reminded me why I’d 
fallen in love with birds and birding.
  Trumpeter Swans were at usual nesting locations near Albert Lea and at the 
Straight River Marsh in Steele County.
  A Common Gallinule had been reported along State Line Lake, but I was unable 
to locate it.

Al Batt
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