Yesterday afternoon from ~4:45 - 6:15 I visited Grey Cloud Dunes, in hopes
of seeing the Say's Phoebe that has been reported there the last couple

I parked at the South Parking area.  I did not see the Phoebe in the places
I walked (west from South parking lot, down the hill down to the river and
back, stopping frequently), but did see a LeConte's Sparrow as I was almost
back to the car.  This was maybe 25-50 yards west of the parking area,
foraging on the ground.  There were Field Sparrows in this area as well.

I created an ebird checklist late last night, and some of my entries show
on the Grey Cloud hotspot listing, but not the LeConte's (yet), this is
maybe because a confirmation needs to occur.  I attached photos to the
checklist I created, which is here:

I ran my photos past two much more experienced birders last night to verify
LeConte's as opposed to Nelson's and they both wrote back ID'ing this bird
as LeConte's, due to purply streaks on nape as opposed to more solid gray,
and whiter central crown stripe as opposed to darker gray.

I posted a pic of the LeConte's to my Flickr as well, here:

I saw Swamp Sparrows down around the small pond area just to the north of
the trail that leads to the river.

I wanted to send this out in case anyone is going to Grey Cloud, they may
want to keep their eyes peeled for a LeConte's.  It may be the rains now
will ground or pause further migration for many birds?


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