Re: [mou-net] Clark's Nutcracker - Winona County [Photos]

2015-09-24 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
Alan, This is just an excellent post. Good Birding, Butch Ukura On 9/23/2015 7:37 AM, Alan Stankevitz wrote: I went to see the Clark's Nutcracker yesterday and it was present the entire time at two different addresses: 24092 and 24185 County Road 9. It seemed content to stay in that area

[mou-net] Great Grey Owl Better Directions

2011-11-21 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
The Great Grey Owl seen today by me was in Aitkin County. From the Jct of State HWY 169&Aitkin Cty Rd 18 go east 4.6 miles. Good Birding, Butch Ukura Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] Red Crossbills

2010-06-07 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
The Red Crossbills are still present at same location in Cass County as described by Kim Eckert only they were on the west side of road. I had great looks---time seen 5:30PM on 6/610. Butch Ukura Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] Birding

2010-05-07 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
Tonight Warren Nelson and I went birding to Cty Rd 18 & Cty Rd 5 North of Palisade, Minnesota. The following birds were observed: 1.) Jct169 & Cty Rd 18--Northern Hawk Owl flew in front of vehicle with a mouse in its talons. (6:30Pm) 2.) Sharp Tail Grou

[mou-net] Northern Hawk Owl

2010-05-06 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
Coming back from Chisholm, Mn. today my wife and I saw a Northern Hawk Owl 1.3 miles north of the Jct of Hwy 169&Aitkin Cty Rd. 18. The bird was in a small birch then flew to a Jack pine right on 169. Good Birding, Butch Ukura Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Felton Prairie

2010-05-05 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
I went to Felton Prairie today and had a great day. My route from Crosby was 210 to Brainerd and HWY 10 west to County Road 9 (Clay County). North on County Road 9 to County Road 26. East on County Road 26 approx. 3 miles to 170th Street North, then north on 170 Street North. The following bird

[mou-net] Cinnamon Teal

2010-04-19 Thread Barb & Butch Ukura
The Cinnamon Teal was seen today at approx 7AM in the field south of the dairy farm and north in the flooded cornfield. The sun was at my back by the flooded cornfield and I had fantastic looks at the Cinnamon Teal. It was right next to the road. I would like to thank Sue Schumacher for directin