Re: [mou-net] cleaning hummingbird feeders

2010-09-22 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Sounds great. Are these bear-proof too? Carol Tveekrem Cook County On 9/21/2010 9:14 PM, Andrew wrote: Here is how!! Toss it in the garbage and get a good one.. Get a HummZinger feeder.. These are simply the BEST feeders.. Easy to clean..

Re: [mou-net] red-orange mix house finch

2010-03-29 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
When we lived on Long Island, NY, an occasional House Finch turned up with yellow coloration instead of the usual reddish orange, most noticeable on the rump. I don't remember if anyone had any idea why - genetic, dietary??? The brown streaks were the usual intensity. Carol Tveekrem,

[mou-net] Indigo bunting Cook Co.

2009-04-24 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
I was lucky enough to be looking out a window when a bright male Indigo Bunting landed on the ground near the veggie garden. Several juncos and blue jays were the only other birds nearby. It didn't stay long, darn it. Bird appeared to be an adult, no brown in wings or elsewhere. We usually

[mou] Cook Co. birds

2008-05-26 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
It rained birds up the shore, starting Sunday May 25. Up until yesterday, I had seen 5 species of warbler and one lone Veery. Yellow-rumped W. Western Palm W. Black white W. Cape May W. Nashville W. Except for the abundant Yellow-rumps and Palms, the others were

[mou] Cook Co. tough birds

2008-05-13 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
We have had numerous Chipping Sparrows for at least a week - they replaced many of the Juncos during one of the rare spells with warm winds from some other direction than northeast. Still a few juncos about, increasing numbers of White-crowned Sparrows, fewer White-throated Sp., but a few of

[mou] where?

2008-04-21 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Just a reminder from someone who doesn't live in Metro area - please mention County in your posts - suburbs, small lakes, parks etc. do not always show on state or even county highway maps, and even can take quite a bit of time to find in the detail map books. Thanks. Also finally had a

[mou] White-winged Dove in Lutsen, Cook Co.

2008-04-20 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
A White-winged Dove was photographed at a feeder by a Lutsen resident yesterday. The bird has been seen for the past few days, not at any regular time of day. Unfortunately the feeders are not visible from the street. On Lake Superior yesterday, near mouth of Cross River: Pied-billed

[mou] Kingfisher in Cook Co.

2008-04-20 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Forgot to post this yesterday. FOY Kingfisher, male, seen 4/18 near mouth of Cross River, Schroeder. Was carrying a live minnow-size fish, landed on a breakwall to get it in position to swallow. Herring gull showed up, wanted the fish of course, chased kingfisher to another rock, where it

[mou] Cook Co. blizzard birds

2008-04-11 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
We had roughly 10 inches of snow by this morning, less than an inch additional before it stopped around noon. Feeders were caked with snow, but chickadees had opened the way to seeds by the time we got outside to brush things off. Junco numbers have been increasing since the first one showed

[mou] Lake Cook Co. birds

2008-04-03 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Before heading southwest to Silver Bay for most of the day, had the surprise of a bright male Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler in my almost snowless veggie garden. First warbler for us this spring, thanks to the stiff southwest breeze. Also on the ground at the same time was the adult Harris'

[mou] Fw: more warblers (Cook Co.)

2006-05-11 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
The e-mail below was on our local net yesterday. Ann Russ teaches at Sawtooth Elementary in Grand Marais - I think her class is very fortunate to have her as teacher. Two more sparrows turned up with the hopping brown gang in my yard this afternoon - a Clay-colored and a Savannah. Carol

[mou] raining birds in Cook Co.

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
what else has arrived. Some of our neighbors a mile or so away had a bear trash their feeders, so time to get ours emptied out. Jim Carol Tveekrem

[mou] raining birds in Cook Co.

2006-05-10 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
lifted a bit after noon, but then it was very quiet. Forgot we had one or two Palm Warblers in the neighborhood most of last week, and up to 6 Purple Finches have been fairly steady visitors, usually just 1 or 2. Carol T. - Original Message - From: Jim Carol Tveekrem

[mou] Pine Warbler Cook Co.

2006-04-20 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Beautiful male Pine Warbler in our neighborhood this afternoon, in evergreens, also at hanging feeders and on window ledges of our house. Put some smaller seeds out, but the rascal returned only to the sunflower seed feeder. This seems to me to be extraordinarily early for this species this far

[mou] Chipping Sparrow - Cook Co.

2006-04-19 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
First Chipping Sp. we've seen turned up this morning. Yesterday two Brown-headed Cowbirds. All this into the teeth of the fifth straight day of very gusty northeast winds. Best news is all the frogs singing in the shallow waters that are warm enough - Spring Peepers, but also Wood Frogs

[mou] Baptism R. etc. Lake Co.

2006-04-17 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Siskins still here. Big lake is very rough, hard to spot any ducks there, although we had a few Red-breasted Mergansers last week. Jim Carol Tveekrem

[mou] sharp-shinned hawk in Cook Co.

2006-04-15 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
We saw our first sharpie yesterday afternoon. The dozens of juncos and pine siskins at our feeders scattered, the hawk perched briefly in an aspen, showing a light chest/belly, and we barely got a good enough look at it as it flew through a row of spruces to figure out what it was - small, gray

[mou] killdeer in Cook Co.

2006-03-18 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
While walking home from Town Hall this afternoon, a loud shorebird call got my attention - Killdeer, flying rapidly with the wind down the Cross River toward the Lake. Good grassy patch and gravel beach near the river mouth, more open water and less snow every day. Carol Tveekrem

[mou] pine siskins, shrike in Cook Co.

2006-01-29 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
At least 50 Pine Siskins were swirling about our feeders this morning - most we have seen all fall/winter. Also, on one of our trips looking for the Townsend's Solitaire, we found a Northern Shrike in the Tofte Town Park on January 8, 2006. Other birds were scarce... Carol Jim Tveekrem,

[mou] Re: Townsend's solitaire Cook Co.

2006-01-27 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Forgot to send this on Tuesday: one Townsend's Solitaire visited us in Schroeder the very windy afternoon of Jan. 24. We got excellent looks at this bird, all field marks. New Yardbird for here! Earlier that day I had glimpses of a darker gray, slim, long-tailed bird on the ground and on a low

[mou] goldfinches Cook Co.

2005-12-11 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Nothing like birds to embarrass you - two Am. Goldfinches turned up this morning after I said we hadn't seen any since early November. Carol Tveekrem

[mou] Lark Bunting in Cook Co.

2005-08-30 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
About 4 p.m. we identified an immature Lark Bunting hanging around the MN Dept. of Transportation gravel pit in Schroeder. The entrance to this area is opposite Satellite's Restaurant on Highway 61. The pit is used for storage, and trucks are loading gravel and/or asphalt scrapings on weekdays,

[mou] shoreline migrants - Cook Co.

2005-08-14 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Small (20 - 25) mixed group of warblers in spruces and deciduous trees near Lake Superior this evening: Black white, Yellow-rumped, Nashville. A lone Ruby-crowned Kinglet also in the flock. Red-breasted Nuthatches in the mix are probably local nesters, seems too soon for them to be moving

[mou] long-tailed ducks-Lutsen, Cook county; HASP

2005-05-18 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
I wonder if that was the same Cape May warbler? Probably not, but a possibility. Dory Spence saw a flock of long-tailed ducks from her place in Schroeder on Monday May 16. The numbers of white-throated and white-crowned sparrows has decreased, but we still have one or two every day. Yesterday

[mou] chilly migrants in Cook Co.

2005-05-13 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
On the ground below our seed feeders and poking around with the sparrows - a male Cape May Warbler. Only warbler we have seen other than Yellow-rumps. Tree Swallows turned up last week, are residing in our otherwise empty Martin house. Temperature 38 at 2 p.m. At least it is above zero. Stiff

[mou] Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Cook Co.

2005-04-16 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
A Eurasian Tree Sparrow showed up at our feeders about 12:30 p.m. to join the Cowbirds, Purple Finches, Juncos, Am. Tree Sparrows and Song Sparrows. We are currently trying to get a picture of the bird. It has left the feeders and returned twice, so we are hopeful. Both Jim and I saw the bird.

[mou] Cook Co. migrants

2005-03-30 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
We have seen a steady stream of Slate-colored Juncos and Am Tree Sparrows moving through our neighborhood today, despite a stiff northeast breeze. Also saw 3 Brown Creepers. The first junco turned up March 27, a few more the past two days. Starlings (BAH!) back from wherever they hide in winter.

[mou] loggerhead shrike Cook Co.

2005-02-25 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Don Goodell of Lutsen reported a Loggerhead Shrike at their feeders late 2/23. It grabbed a mouse coming out of a snow tunnel to the seed heap beneath a feeder. The shrike then ate the mouse and hung about while the Goodells checked the field marks. From their description - wide black mask

[mou] great gray owls moving north

2005-01-16 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
A friend in Schroeder with a good view of the lake called just before 5:30 p.m. to say that in the past 15 minutes or so he had seen 7 great gray owls flying northeast along the shore, about 8 or 10 feet above the ground. While talking to us he saw 2 more. Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder, Cook Co.

[mou] great gray owl, Cook Co.

2004-12-03 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
One great gray owl sitting on a telephone cable across from Birch Grove School on Highway 61 in Tofte, Cook Co. about 1:30 p.m. Carol Jim Tveekrem Schroeder

[mou] Where are the juncos?

2004-05-25 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Most of the juncos came through here (Schroeder, near the lake in Cook Co.) last month, about the same time as the Fox Sparrows. We had hundreds some days. By the time the White-throated and White-crowned sparrows showed up in numbers, most of the juncos had left. We still have one or two at

[mou] Loggerhead shrike Cook Co.

2004-05-04 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
Loggerhead Shrike at my bird feeders 9:30 this morning, caught a White-throated Sparrow that didn't get away quick enough. First loggerhead I've seen in this area - had an excellent look at the bird - binocs in one hand, Sibley's book on the kitchen counter. Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder, Cook Co.

[mou] snow bunting, Cook Co.

2004-05-01 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
on territories. = Almost daily lake winds keeping birds away from the shore - no warblers = or thrushes yet. A pair of Hooded Mergansers were on an old beaver pond = on the Sugarloaf Rd. during the week, and 3 American Mergansers on a = gravel pit pond near Cramer Rd. Jim Carol Tveekrem

[mou] almost spring

2004-05-01 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
than 4 miles from here = last summer. Jim Carol Tveekrem --=_NextPart_000_0041_01C42FC0.D68CE240 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN HTMLHEAD META http-equiv=3DContent-Type

[mou] Cook Co. birds

2003-11-02 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
on the Gunflint Trail. A lone meadowlark just turned up on the lawn. I saw feathery remains of likely meadowlark at Rec. Park in Grand Marais yesterday, also. Are yellow-bellied sapsuckers scarce this summer and fall, or have we just missed them? Jim Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder

[mou] mockingbird in Cook Co.

2003-05-03 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
about small woods on the lake side. One bold chickadee inspected the mocker and evidently decided it was not a shrike since the chickadee did not start any mobbing or alarm behavior. Mockingbird was singing softly at times. Jim Carol Tveekrem Schroeder