The Buff-breasted sandpiper and Golden Plovers reported by Kris Moulton are
still present and have been joined by one Black-bellied Plover and many
Killdeer. Thanks Kris!
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> On Aug 25, 2017, at 7:43 AM, Kris Moulton wrote:
> Great close looks at these species this mornin
As of 8:15 am, the Ross's goose is not present. Also scanned nearby Crosby Park
lake without locating the goose.
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> On Mar 20, 2017, at 9:49 PM, Tom Bell wrote:
> Observed Monday morning on Pickeral Lake in Mendota Heights. (Lillydale Park
> area) A lone bird with a few
The Snowy Owl is still present at 2:15 p.m. It is on a silo on the north side
of Tigua road, approximately 1 mile from the turn off from County 11. Thanks to
those who found and reported this beautiful bird!
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> On Jan 19, 2017, at 9:39 AM, Herb Dingmann wrote:
> Snowy Ow
Liz H and I just had great looks at a Snowy Owl 3 miles south of Beaver Bay. It
is perched in a telephone pole by highway 61.
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Craig Mandel's MBW group observed the Northern Mockingbird this afternoon at
approximately 4pm, along with other birders at the location described by Jim
Lind. We also saw a possible second mockingbird which flew towards the lake
into the stand of birches between the brewery and the ore docks.
Still on the south shore at 7:45 am. Thanks to all who have kept us updated!
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> On May 21, 2016, at 7:02 AM, Josh Wallestad wrote:
> Now on the south shoreline of Eggert Lake.
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Several Ruddy Turnstones are at Lake Byllesby, west end county park, Dakota
county, right now.
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Liz Harper and I saw one Yellow-Throated Warbler at Gold Medal Park this
morning at approximately 9:50.
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To the left of the platform.
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At 9 a.m. this morning, John Hockema re-found the Townsend's Solitaire reported
yesterday by Tom Tustison in Resurrection Cemetery (Hwy. 110 & Lexington in
Mendota Heights). It was spotted in the ravine which opens into Augusta Lake,
on the far west side and in the center of the cemetery. It
The cinnamon teal is still present at 6:35 at the Stewart location previously
described. Beautiful bird! Thanks for the earlier postings!
Susan Barnes Elliott
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