[mou] Dakota Cnty Swainson's Hawk is back.

2003-04-22 Thread William and Ruth Stauffer
This morning at 9AM, a beautiful, adult plumaged, light phase Swainson's Hawk was sitting in the short trees just to the west of Conley Ave., where it ends at 140th Street, west of the marsh[ie where 140th used to continue on to highway 52. Bill Stauffer

[mou] Hyland Hills Red-shouldered Hawk is back.

2003-03-11 Thread William and Ruth Stauffer
Earlier this afternoon, I came across a beautiful, adult-plummeged Red-Shouldered Hawk along West Bush Lake Road, just below the entrance to West Bush Lake Park[in Bloomington]. The bird flew off, just after I stopped, in the direction of the junction of East and West Bush Lake Roads. There was