[mou-net] Fw: [mou-net] Western Grebe Rice County

2013-06-10 Thread James Otto
   Refound Western Grebe on Rice Lake in Cannon City. jim otto - Forwarded Message - From: Gerald Hoekstra hoeks...@stolaf.edu To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 1:10 PM Subject: [mou-net] Western Grebe Rice County Kevin

[mou-net] dakota county redpolls

2012-12-17 Thread james otto
Today I encountered a rather large flock of Redpolls at the Industrial park at Randolph Mn. jim otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Least Bittern Dakota County

2012-07-22 Thread james otto
Today, while observing a Common Gallinue at the 180th street marsh,I saw a Least Bittern flying over the cattails. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] dakota county common gallinule

2012-07-07 Thread james otto
At noon today , the Common Gallinule was present at the180th st marsh. jim otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] dakota county common gallinule

2012-07-02 Thread james otto
Refound Common Gallinule at 180th street marsh at 6:20 am this morning. The bird was in the north east pond. Originally found by Michael Oetken on the 1st. Picture of the bird in most recently seen on MOU web site. jim otto

[mou-net] Brown Pelican

2012-04-09 Thread james otto
Just a side note on the Brown Pelican. Mark Jungens came down to pick me up to go to Red Wing to look for the Pelican. Because of traffic we left my house at 9:20 rather than 9:00. Being late in this case was good fortune, it put us at Dakota County 46 and Highway 52 at the same time as the

[mou-net] Dakota County Snowy Owl

2012-02-04 Thread james otto
Snowy Owl was still present on Dakota County 42, just south of Idell ave. at 10:30 AM. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] dakota county snowy owl

2012-02-04 Thread james otto
Mark Junghans refound the Snowy Owl at 5:30 PM on County Road 42 , just south of Idell avenue. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] varied thrush dakota county

2012-01-17 Thread james otto
The earlier report on a Varied Thrush in Dakota County was relocated at 17774 Blackbird Trail Hastings Mn. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] dakota county townsend's solitaire

2011-12-29 Thread james otto
Today at 12:15 Mark Junghans and I saw a Townsend's Solitaire at the Castle Rock Cementry in Dakota County.This is located on Dakota County 53N (Alverno ave) north of Dakota County 80S about quarter of a mile. This is between Mn State 3 and County 79. Jim Otto

[mou-net] washington county summer tanager

2011-11-15 Thread james otto
Today at 10:00 am, Mark Junghans and I refound the Summer Tanager at Carpenter Nature Center. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] tundra swans

2011-11-07 Thread james otto
At about 8;30 PM , I heard Tundra Swans flying over and was amazed when I looked in the direction of the calling, to actually see them in the pitched dark of the night. The white of the body against a very black sky was stunning ! There is always another surprise around the corner.

[mou-net] Blue Grosbeak Dakota County update

2011-06-29 Thread james otto
Wasn't able to look for the Grosbeaks until late afternoon. Arrived there at 3:50 PM and had a male tee-up at 5:25 pm. Thought maybe the winds and bulldozer working the landfill may have had a negative effect. Will attempt again in the AM. Jim Otto

[mou-net] Blue Grosbeak

2011-06-27 Thread james otto
On Sunday the birding Gods were with me. I observed a male and female Blue Grosbeak on 140th st in Dakota County. I have been reluctant to post this pair because they may very well be a breeding pair which would be a rarity. The birds have been very active and should be easily seen. I would

[mou-net] mille lacs lake shorebirds

2011-05-21 Thread james otto
Mark Junghans just called me to post shorebirds on Mille Lacs Lake in Garrison at the rock wall. The following were seen, 8 Willets, 6 Ruddy Turnstones, and 6 Sanderlings. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Refound Hudsonian Godwit at 180th steet marsh Dakota County

2011-05-05 Thread james otto
At 5:oo pm refound the Hudsonian Godwit that Sue Plankis reported. In addition there was a Short-billed Dowitcher and Pectorial Sandpipers present. Thanks for posting your findings. Jim Otto Join or Leave

[mou-net] Rice County Little Blue Heron

2011-05-05 Thread james otto
Dave Barkey asked me to post seeing a Little Blue Heron near Lake Sakatah west of Faribault on kent avenue north of Highway 60. It was in flight headed north. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Rice County Northern Mockingbird

2011-04-30 Thread james otto
I was just informed by Dave Barkey of a Northern Mockingbird at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault Mn.. The bird was seen by the feeders at the nature center building. Jim Otto Join

[mou-net] North Shore addition

2010-11-08 Thread james otto
While we didn 't see any Spruce Grouse today on Lima Road, we did have 3 Boreal Chickadees. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] lake byllesby dakota county

2010-10-22 Thread james otto
Today, along with numerous Killdeer, observed 2 Long-billed Dowitchers on Lake Byllesby in Dakota County. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] jirik sod farms- American Golden Plover

2010-09-28 Thread james otto
A lone American Golden Plover was seen at Jirik sod farms in Dakota County late this morning. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] dakota county shorebirds

2010-08-14 Thread james otto
Today, at jirik sod farms there were numerous species of shorebirds . The following species were observed: Least Sandpiper Semipalmated Sandpiper Bairds Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Jim Otto

[mou-net] whimbrel dakota county

2010-07-29 Thread james otto
This morning I spent 2 hours looking for the Whimbrel but it was nowhere to be found. Though there was still a nice mixture of other shorebirds. Jim Otto Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] jirik sod farms

2010-07-23 Thread james otto
Today at 7 :45 am spent some time at Jirik sod farms. Lots of standing water with numerous shore birds. Species seen were Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs; Solitary Sandpiper; Short-billed Dowitcher; Least Sandpiper; Bairds Sandpiper; and Pectoral Sandpiper. Jim Otto

[mou-net] dakota county birds

2010-05-31 Thread james otto
Some interesting birds in the county today . Bobolink Dickcissel Black-billed Cuckoo Grasshopper Sparrow Northern Harrier Sedge Wren Jim Otto

[mou-net] lake byllesby

2010-04-26 Thread james otto
At Last something other than Pectoral Sandpipers and Yellow legs. Their was 0ne Long-billed Dowitcher at Lake Byllesby this afternoon on the far west end . Jim Otto

[mou-net] Dakota County birds

2010-04-01 Thread james otto
Lake Byllesby Lesser Yellowlegs Pied-billed Grebe Ruddy Duck Northern Shoveler Ring-billed Gulls American White Pelicans Killdeer

[mou-net] Lake Byllesby Greater White-fronted Geese

2010-03-27 Thread james otto
Today, while at Lake Byllesby a small group of us, Laura Coble, Melissa Poulus , Dave Harbot and myself, observed 12 Greater White-fronted Geese land on the lake. Ducks present were Green-winged Teal, Gadwall, Ring-necked, Greater Scaup, Bufflehead and Northern Shoveler. Also, FOY Song

[mou-net] loggerhead shrike

2010-03-24 Thread james otto
I saw my first Loggerhead Shrike for the year. This is my earliest date for this species. Jim Otto _ Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

[mou-net] Re Loggerhead Shrike

2010-03-24 Thread james otto
Sorry, forgot to include found in Dakota County. Jim Otto _ Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

[mou-net] olmstead county birds

2010-03-13 Thread james otto
Traveled down to Rochester with Dave Harbot and Melissa Polous to bird with John Hockema. On the way down Dave and Melissa saw a raptor in a tree along the highway. I turned around and went back, good thing we did, Red-shoulder Hawk was perched in the tree. In Rochester farmlands we saw

[mou-net] dakota county gray partridge

2010-01-04 Thread james otto
Today at 11:00 am, observed 2 Gray Partridge at the corner of 180th and Joan avenue in Dakota county. Jim Otto _ Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get

[mou-net] Black-headed Grosbeak/Aitkin County birding

2009-12-23 Thread james otto
Yesterday, Leslie Marcus, Mark Junghans and I had the birding Gods with us. After having the good fortune to see the 1st winter Black-headed Grosbeak, we headed for Aitkin County for a day of birding. On the drive over to Palisade, we saw Ruffed Grouse, Evening Grosbeaks at the Risen,s

[mou-net] Freeborn county surf scoter refound

2009-10-26 Thread james otto
John Hockema asked me to post the relocating of the Surf Scoter on Pickeral Lake that is in Freeborn County just southwest of Albert Lea at 10:00 AM today October 26th. Jim Otto

[mou-net] Red Phalarope

2009-10-18 Thread james otto
Mark Junghans and I, went down to the Gaylord Sewage ponds for the Red Phalarope seen yesterday. There were over 500 Franklin gulls but we were not successful in finding the bird. Hope others have better luck. Jim Otto


2009-08-24 Thread james otto
State Park off of County road 49. James Otto _ Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. http://windowslive.com/Campaign/SocialNetworking?ocid=PID23285::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:SI_SB_online

[mou-net] dakota county- Jirik sod farms

2009-08-08 Thread james otto
Jirik sod farms Buff-breasted Sandpiper-1 Baird's Sandpiper-2 Pectoral Sandpipers-6 plus Least Sandpiper-1 Loggerhead Shrikes-2 one on emery and 170th and the other on 180th and fisher James Otto _ Get your

[mou-net] Dodge county Scissored-tailed Flycatcher

2009-07-31 Thread james otto
This early evening , 6:oo pm, Doug Kieser and myself refound the Scissor -tailed Flycatcher at the same location reported by Bob Ekblad and Diane Anderson in Dodge county. Jim Otto _ NEW mobile

[mou-net] dakota county shorebirds

2009-07-18 Thread james otto
180th street marsh-(west of goodwin ave.) Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Short-billed Dowitcher 170th Pilot Knob-(just east of PILOT Knob) Pectoral Sandpiper

[mou-net] Cattle Egret Cedar Avanue Bridge Hennepin County

2009-07-04 Thread james otto
Today, a group of six, Leslie Marcus, Phyllis Bofferding, Ruth Hiland, 2 grad students which I can't remember there names forgive me and me, refound the Cattle Egret reported in the weekly MOU-RBA on July 2 2009. The bird was seen in flight at close range from the observation deck to the west of

[mou-net] Great Horned Owl-Dakota County

2009-01-30 Thread james otto
Today, observed a Great Horned Owl on nest in Dakota County.This bird has nested here at least for the last 3 years. The nest is just east of the intersection of Dodd Road and Cedar Avenue. James Otto _ Hotmail

[mou-net] Snowy Owl Airport Hennepin County

2009-01-28 Thread james otto
Tonight at 7:00 pm while working , saw a Snowy owl on Cargo Road near the 2nd Tunnel. James Otto _ Windows Live™ Hotmail®…more than just e-mail. http://windowslive.com/howitworks?ocid

[mou-net] Sax-zim Friday

2009-01-23 Thread james otto
Birded with Mark Junghans today at the Sax-Zim Bog. HIGHLIGHTS Common Red Polls numerous and 2 Hoary Red Polls- Spruce Road Feeders Gray Jays (6); Pine Grosebeaks (6); Boreal Chickadees (2) -Arkola Road Deer Carcass (west of Stickney Road) Black-billed Magpie- McDavitt Road

[mou-net] white-winged crossbills

2009-01-10 Thread james otto
Thanks to a Drew Smith call , I was able to relocate White-winged Crossbills at Resurrection Cemetery in Mendota Heights. There were 25-30 birds feeding on the Spruce Cones. Jim Otto

[mou] sabine's gull-brown county

2008-09-12 Thread james otto
Linda Sparling called me at 2:50 PM and asked me to post a Sabine's Gull. She found the bird at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds. She observed it sitting as well as flying. Bird was still present when I talked with her. Jim Otto

[mou] Buff-breasted Sandpiper Dakota County

2008-08-24 Thread james otto
At 10:30 AM found a Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Jirik Sod farms. The bird was seen from 200th between Blaine ave. and the 1st house to the west on the south side. At 10:45 am a Merlin appeared and the Buff-breasted Sandpiper escaped to the north. I would think it would return once things calm

[mou] Mute Swan-Dakota County

2008-07-18 Thread james otto
The previously reported Mute Swan, is still present at Schaar's Bluff as of this AM. Jim Otto _ Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety.

[mou] laughing gull-olmsted county

2008-06-14 Thread james otto
Today ,John Hockema and Chuck Krulas have found a Laughing Gull at the East Landfill reservoir in Rochester Mn. at 8:30 am .Jim Otto _ Enjoy 5 GB of free, password-protected online storage.

[mou] Blue Grosebeak Scott County

2008-06-04 Thread james otto
At 11:00 this AM at Louisville Swamp, had a 5 second look at a Blue Grosbeak. From the parking area take the trail out of the north end of the parking lot going west. It was east of where the tail splits where the Kentucky Warbler has been seen. There was a sign in the field on the south side

[mou] willets dakota county

2008-05-06 Thread james otto
Seen at 10:30 am at 180th street marsh 4 Willets. At Schaar's Bluff saw my fifteenth warbler species of the year. Of the 15 seen 8 have either tied or beat my previous earliest dates. Jim Otto _ Get Free

[mou] Loggerhead Shrike trifecta

2008-04-19 Thread james otto
Today, Doug Kieser and me birded together and had a Loggerhead county trifecta. We saw on Goodhue ave,just south of Minn 19 one Loggerhead Shrike on a wire on the Rice County side and another on the wire on the Goodhue County side. (thanks Dave) Then later we had a Loggerhead Shrike on 180th

[mou] Dakota County birds

2008-04-17 Thread james otto
These were some birds of interest this am in Dakota County Lake Byllesby Bonaparte's gull-12 Franklin's Gull-3 Dunlin-5 Elsewhere: numerous Vesper Sparrows; Brewer Blackbird-12; Swamp Sparrow; Swainson's Hawk. Jim Otto

[mou] Marbled Godwit-Dakota County

2008-04-12 Thread james otto
Today at noon saw a Marbled Godwit at the 180th street marsh in Dakota County. Jim Otto _ Get in touch in an instant. Get Windows Live Messenger now.

[mou] Greater White-fronted Goose Dakota County

2008-03-27 Thread james otto
At about 12:00 today, I saw 1 Greater White-fronted Goose in with a flock of Canada Geese. This is just west of Goodwin avenue where it intersects with Minnesota 47 (Northfield Blvd). Ducks seen at 180th street marshBlue-winged TealGreen-winged TealAmerican WigeonGadwallNorthern

[mou] northern birding trip

2008-03-02 Thread james otto
On Saturday, Doug Kieser, Scott Meyer and myself went to the northland and had a great day of birding. First, we stopped at Cloquet, where we saw Red Crossbills , Common Redpolls and a flock of a couple hundred of Bohemian Waxwings close to the Ice arena in town. Then we spent the remainder

[mou] bombay eurasian collared dove

2007-11-12 Thread james otto
I talked with the property owner of the site where the Eurasian Collared-doves have been seen. Due to an incident on Saturday where some birders were blocking the entrance to his property and numerous others driving on to his property at other times without permission, THE PROPERTY IS OFF

[mou] white-winged dove refound

2007-10-19 Thread james otto
Mark Junghans John Ellis refound the White-winged Dove at the previously posted address in Otter Tail County. Mark John want to thank their gracious hosts. Please refer to previous post as to the instructions and exact location. Jim Otto

[mou] Lake Byllesby

2007-10-01 Thread james otto
I was infomed today , that the fall draw down at Lake Byllesby is scheduled to begin today. We should encounter some good fall shorebird activity in the near future. Jim Otto _ Connect to the next generation of

[mou] Shore birds -today

2007-09-28 Thread james otto
I started in Hutchinson this am. Good mud but few birds. Seen, 3 Pectoral; 2 Lesser Yellowlegs; 1 Solitary.Next I checked the Glenco Sewage ponds. One bird of interest Bonaparte Gull. Early afternoon Lake Chaska yielded zero shore birds. Lastly Murphy-hanrehan coughed up 2 Golden Plovers and 1

[mou] Long-tailed Jaeger

2007-09-01 Thread james otto
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[mou] Buff-breasted Sandpipers-Dakota County

2007-07-31 Thread james otto
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[mou] Lark Bunting posting

2007-07-06 Thread james otto
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[mou] Hooded Warbler- Dakota County

2007-06-15 Thread james otto
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[mou] Eared Grebe - Carver County

2007-05-26 Thread james otto
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[mou] Black-necked Stilt - Rock County

2007-05-26 Thread james otto
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[mou] Western Kingbird-Goodhue County

2007-05-20 Thread james otto
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[mou] warbler winers

2007-05-11 Thread james otto
This is my last 5 year history of warbler species numbers as of May 10th. 2002-20 species 2003-20 species 2004-18 species 2005-11 species 2006-15 species ( this turned out to be my highest total for a year of 32 species ) This year I'm at 18 species. I think we have a

[mou] Lake Byllesby Sunday Evening

2007-04-29 Thread james otto
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[mou] Orange-crowned Warbler Dakota County

2007-04-20 Thread james otto
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[mou] Swainson's Hawk Dakota County

2007-04-15 Thread james otto
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[mou] great egret

2007-03-23 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEWhat a great day to be outside.nbsp;I was able to fill out the list of ducks for the year with scoring on Ruddy amp; Blue-winged Teal. Of course this does not include Eurasian Wigeon,Cinnamon Teal or Harlquin duck. Also saw my 1st Merlin at 180th

[mou] Fox Sparrow- Hennepin County

2007-03-18 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEWhile birding at the Bass Ponds, I saw my first Fox Sparrow for the year.The bird was at the NW corner of the large pond that has had the ducks on over the late winter and early spring. No not in the pond ,in the trees./DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV

[mou] Snowy Owl-msp airport

2007-03-09 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEThe Snowy Owl has been seen at the MSP airport ,the last 4 days on Cargo Road between 5:00 amp; 6:00 pm. /DIV DIV

[mou] Ross x Snow Goose Hybrid-Scott County

2007-02-15 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEnbsp;The pond at Veterans Park at Shakopee,nbsp; a possible juvenilenbsp;Ross x Snownbsp;Hybridnbsp;has been present since mid January. The bird is larger than a Ross' Goose but smaller than the Snow Goose. The head is round like a Ross and bill

[mou] gyrfalcon-dakota county

2007-02-09 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday I went to 170thnbsp;street , just east of Highway 52 in Dakota County ,where there was a huge build up of ducks and geese. I was there from 3:00 to 4:30. The following raptors were observed, 2 Red-tailed Hawks, 1 Bald Eagle and the Gyrfalcon.

[mou] Gyrfalcon-Dakota County

2007-02-02 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday I went on a hunt for the Gyrfalcon and I was in luck, the Gyrfalcon was onnbsp;a hunt as well ,for duck dinner. I first encountered the bird at 180th and Emery ave on one of the high power lines post. As I prepared to put the scope on him, he

[mou] gyrfalcon absense does not go unnoticed

2007-01-26 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEA throng of people (20) were at 180th amp; Donnelly this evening but the mega star was absent. Presumably, the Gyrnbsp;had over eaten and fell asleep with the warm sun keeping himnbsp;warmnbsp; andnbsp;snug on a perch unknownnbsp; to us. Perhaps

[mou] Barrow's Goldeneye Dakota County refound

2007-01-23 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday refoundnbsp; Barrow's Goldeneye at Freedom Park in Prescott Wisconsin at 10:15 am. /DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV

[mou] mountain bluebird

2007-01-21 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday at 2:00 pm Doug Kieser , Linda Sparling and myself refound the Mountain Bluebird at 175th amp; Presley Circle . The look was brief but satisfying./DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;

[mou] cedar avenue bridge

2006-10-14 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEI hadnbsp;a very brief look at what was a possible Tufted Titmouse.This morningnbsp;in the parking lotnbsp;atnbsp;Old Cedar Avenue Bridge,nbsp;as I was sittingnbsp;inside my car, a bird lit briefly in a tree. The face was pale and back was gray with

[mou] Pacific loon- lake mille lacs

2006-10-06 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday on Lake Mille Lacs on Scenic Road (county road 35 ) at .7 miles off 169 in front of the Hillcrest house I observed a Pacific Loon as close as 60 yards at one point. I was able to see it in my scope for 5-6 minutes before it continued to have a

[mou] purple sandpiper

2006-09-28 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEJust recieved word that the Purple Sandpiper was refound by Doug Kieser and Drew Smith at the same location as previously reported./DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV

[mou] American Avocets-Nicollet County

2006-08-06 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEWhile birding in Nicollet County, Inbsp; stopped at the sewage ponds and from the closed gate observed 2 American Avocets fly in. They landed but out of view. /DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV

[mou] Buff-breasted Sandpipers-Dakota County

2006-08-02 Thread james otto
there was an abundance of other more common sandpipers.nbsp;/DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; James Otto/DIV/divbr

[mou] Henslow Sparrow Murphy-Hanrehan Scott County

2006-06-15 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday , on my 4th try this week , I finally saw a Henslow Sparrow at Murphy- Hanrehan on the horse/dog trail. Leaving the parking lot proceed west on trail 30nbsp; at the 31 post continue westnbsp;nbsp; toward post 28. On the other side of the tree

[mou] Lazuli Bunting-Blue Earth County

2006-06-10 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday Ssturday, I received a call from my sister in St. Clair Mn , saying there was a Lazuli Buntingnbsp;at her sons' feeders. This is located southeast of Mankato on state highway 83. Myself and Doug Kieser drove down there and were able to

[mou] Lazuli Bunting-Blue Earth County

2006-06-10 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV DIV class=RTEToday Saturday, I received a call from my sister in St. Clair Mn , saying there was a Lazuli Buntingnbsp;at her sons' feeders. This is located southeast of Mankato on state highway 83. Myself and Doug Kieser drove down there and were able to

[mou] Least Bittern- Hennepin County

2006-06-07 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEWhile birding at Old Cedar Avenue bridge thisnbsp;AM encountered 2 Least Bitterns at the observation deck to the west of the parking lot./DIV DIV class=RTEnbsp;/DIV DIV

[mou] Binocular evaluation

2006-05-24 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEMy brother in California sent me a web site done by Cornell U. on a discussion and evaluation on binoculars. For those of you contemplating purchasing new binoculars, I thought this might be a useful tool in making a decision. DIVFONT face=Arial

[mou] Swainson's Hawk-Dakota County

2006-04-17 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEThe Swainson's hawk has returned to Dakota County. I observed the hawk at about 10:00 am, soaring at the intersection ofnbsp;US highway 52 and Dakota County 42./DIV DIV

[mou] snowy egret

2006-04-13 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEJohn Hockema and myself were observing the Snowy Egret at the location as reported by Chris Benson earlier today. While I was preparing to take a picture , a truck came across the field next to the pond and all the birds on the pond flew off . All

[mou] loggerhead shrike

2006-04-05 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday at 10:00 am , observed the return of the Loggerhead Shrike. It was at the same location as last year, the north side of the road and east of the marsh. Other new birds for the year were Vesper Sparrows and Brown-headed Cowbirds on Emery and

[mou] yellow rumped warbler

2006-04-04 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEToday , while birding at Wood Lake observed my ist spring Yellow-Rumped Warbler for the year.nbsp;nbsp; Thisnbsp;isnbsp;3 days earlier than my previous early date. Also saw Field Sparrow that was reported yesterday by Conny Brunell./DIV DIV

[mou] Lake Byllesby

2006-03-11 Thread james otto
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTEAfter Doug Kieser left , I was waiting for Leslie Marcus to show , all the geese left before her arrival. However White-Fronted Geese , Snow geese and a total ofnbsp;5 Ross geese landednbsp; while Leslie and I were looking at ducks. So I saw a

[mou] great egret

2005-03-27 Thread james otto
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0017_01C532C7.14300820 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable While at Murphy-Hanrehan looking for Red Shouldered hawks , saw a fly = over of a=20 Great Egret. And yes I

[mou] re-gyrfalcon

2005-02-04 Thread james otto
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0038_01C50B02.850589E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable JUST ASSUME THE ASSUME IN PREVIOUS POST READS AWESOME . ENOUGH SAID. JIM

[mou] falcon heights varied thrush

2005-01-31 Thread james otto
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0038_01C507BD.7481BC80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I refound the Varied Thrush today at 1:05 pm at the Howell and Prior = address, where it has=20 previously