After posting I went out in the yard and I did not hear bird so I walked around
Giard Park which is just accross France Ave. I had just finished walking around
the Park and again heard the bird along France on the Giard Park side of the
road about one third of the way between Shepard Hill Drive
I currently have a White-eyed Verio singing in my back yard. It is only singing
sporadically but I have had two good looks at the bird. It is in the small
wooded area of my yard, hard to see but the song is diagnostic.
Paul Egeland
8633 Harrison Circle
952 897 3889
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I did the wire tranfer of $2760 to your bank account today. Please let me know
when you receive confirmation.
-Original Message-
From: Juan Carlos
To: pmegeland
Cc: mntallboy
Sent: Wed, Mar 9, 2011 3:33 pm
Dear Paul Egeland
It is a pleasure for
The Owl was not visible this morning. For those photographers who could not get
a picture of the owl with both eyes open, I believe I have the answer, its
right eye was injured. In the late afternoon I notice that as it started to
hunt, it even made a pass at a mouse(it missed) and looked up at
Back from church, bird still in apple tree at 9:30
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At 6:30 I saw it in the dim light, I watched it listening for mice it then flew
back in the woods but 15 minutes later is came back to the apple tree. where it
continues to sit at 7:50. I am going to church and will update when I return.
Anyone who wants to try for it is welcome to stop by.
It is now sitting in my Apple tree right overlooking my bird feeders
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Unfortunately it flew and have not been able to relocate.
Paul Egeland
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Subject: Saw-whet Owl
I have a Saw-whet Owl sitting in my wood pile just outside my back door. I was
brought to my attention by Chickadees and Juncos making a fuss.
My address
8633 Harrison Circle
Bloomington,MN 55437
Directions if someone wants to stop by
Going south on France avenue from I 494
This count is being held on Dec. 17. Anyone interested in helping out please
e-mail me or call me on my cell phone which is 952 240 3322.
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Lee French told me that his Father has had a Summer Tanager for about a week.
Directions are go South of Lamberton on County 6 about 2 miles to the Redwood
Co. amd Cottonwood Co. line turn left and go East about a mile, it is the first
farm on the left. Bird can be seen form the driveway, it is
Even in this bad weather the Robins continue to go back and forth every morning
and evening. My last full count was last
Saturday evening and had a count of 2,660 quite amazing.
Paul Egeland
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I thought some might be interested in my sightings of Robins for the last two
Tuesday morning I when out on my deck with a cop of coffee to enjoy another
beautiful morning, I noticed a number of Robins flying south over me but did
not concentrate on them at first. I continued watching unti
Had 36 species on the Cottonwood count and 42 on the LQP count.
Highlights were:
Eurasian Collard Dove 55, 24 in Hanley Falls and 31 in Cottonwood.
Robin 32
Cedar Waxwings 45
Rough-legged Hawk 1
Kestral 1
Lapland Longspur 58
Horned Lark 353
Wood Duck 1
House Finch 8
Ruddy Du
This count will be held on Saturday Dec. 19.
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