Offshore winds and intermittent rain showers produced a nice little 
fallout of passerines this morning at Park Point Recreation Area, 
Duluth. Among the 16 species of warblers were no fewer than 7 
Golden-winged Warblers and a record-high fall count of 78 Nashville 
Warblers. Please see the eBird report at the end of this message for a 
complete list of warblers seen.

Speaking of eBird -- rarity lovers now have a new tool at their 
disposal -- the eBird Rare Bird GOOGLE GADGET. This is a small device 
that can be added to an iGoogle homepage, or any webpage, and displays 
the week?s rarest birds in whatever state you select. The gadget gives 
observer name, date, and location, including a Google Maps plot of the 
location of the bird. It also gives an indication of whether the 
sighting has been confirmed (something listservs do not always 
provide). There is probably a way to have this gadget download alerts 
to my cell phone too, though I have not tried to configure it to do so.

The gadget is updated every 15 minutes and works off submissions to 
eBird -- only by entering a sighting into eBird will it be displayed. 
Read more about the gadget, learn how to get it, and find out how to 
enter your sightings (not just of rare birds), at 
(once there, click on the Fork-tailed Flycatcher for more information 
about the gadget). Participation in eBird has the larger goal of 
providing your valuable data to researchers, land managers, and others. 
Bar graphs and maps can be easily generated from your sightings or from 
all sightings submitted of a particular species or a particular 
location or hotspot. In my role as Western Great Lakes regional editor 
for North American Birds, I just received an Excel file of all 
sightings entered into eBird for the summer 2007 season (June-July) for 
Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

Begin forwarded message:

> From: do-not-reply at
> Date: August 9, 2007 4:39:09 PM CDT
> To: psvingen at
> Subject: eBird Report - Park Point Recreation Area , 8/9/07
> Location:     Park Point Recreation Area
> Observation date:     8/9/07
> Notes:     Offshore winds and intermittent rain showers produced a 
> nice little fallout at Park Point Recreation Area, Duluth, MN 
> 8/9/2007. It took almost three hours to cover the area between the bus 
> turnaround and the picnic pavilion. All observations by Peder H. 
> Svingen between 0935 and 1230.
> Number of species:     16 (non-warbler species removed from this 
> message)
> Golden-winged Warbler     7
> Tennessee Warbler     1
> Nashville Warbler     78     Record-high fall migration count for this 
> species in Minnesota.
> Northern Parula     1
> Yellow Warbler     34     Second highest fall migration count for this 
> species in Minnesota.
> Magnolia Warbler     1
> Yellow-rumped Warbler     9
> Blackburnian Warbler     1
> Pine Warbler     1
> Palm Warbler     3
> Bay-breasted Warbler     2
> Black-and-white Warbler     14
> American Redstart     2
> Ovenbird     2
> Northern Waterthrush     2
> Common Yellowthroat     13
> This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
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