Jim Otto and I birded in Big Stone & Swift counties today, among the

4 Snowy Egrets and 1 Cattle Egret were at the Klages WMA, on Big Stone
county highway 64 1/2 mile west of it's intersection with county 23.

4 American Avocets and 1 American Bittern in the wetland 1/2 mile east
of Big Stone county highway 7 on the road 1 mile north of county highway
6 (about 7 miles west of Clinton).

1 Cattle Egret was just west of the Benson Airport on Swift county
highway 20.

We searched unsuccessfully for the White-Faced Ibis in the Danvers WMA
west of Benson.

Shorebirds were sparse in both Big Stone and Swift counties. The largest
shorebird concentrations of the trip were on our way home, in the
flooded fields along Minnesota highway 7 between Hutchinson and Lester
Prairie in Mcleod County. Many of these pools held dozens of Pectoral
Sandpipers & both Yellowlegs. There were 8 Willets in the pond south of
the intersection of Dairy Ave. and Hwy 7.

Doug Kieser

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