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They're still there.  This afternoon my husband went over to Carlos to check
them out.  Approaching the Pool 9 triangle from the south this time, he
first saw three Rough-legged Hawks on the west side, one of them hopping
around on the ground with prey it had caught.  Looking toward Pool 9, at
approx 3:15pm he saw three Short-eared Owls, circling upward, followed them
up very high with binocs, couldn't see them with unaided eyes.  Five minutes
or so later, he observed Owls coursing low over the field in the usual
manner (couldn't say whether same ones or others).  Later he saw two Owls
circling fairly high again, this time accompanied by a Rough-legged, and
also got great looks at a couple of Owls perched close to the road.  He
continued to see them, hard to say how many because of the way they hunt,
but probably 6 to 8, until almost 5pm.  Too bad I wimped out because of the

Erika Sitz,
Ramsey, north Anoka County

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>They're still there.&nbsp; This =
afternoon my=20
husband went over to Carlos to check them out.&nbsp; Approaching the =
Pool 9=20
triangle from the south this time, he first saw three Rough-legged Hawks =
on the=20
west side, one of them hopping around on the ground with prey it had=20
caught.&nbsp; Looking toward Pool 9, at approx 3:15pm he saw three =
Owls, circling upward, followed them up <U>very</U> high with binocs, =
see them with unaided eyes.&nbsp; Five minutes or so later, he observed=20
Owls&nbsp;coursing low over the field&nbsp;in the usual manner (couldn't =
whether same ones or others).&nbsp; Later he saw two Owls circling =
fairly high=20
again, this time accompanied by a Rough-legged, and also got great looks =
at a=20
couple of Owls perched close to the road.&nbsp; He continued to see =
them, hard=20
to say how many because of the way they hunt, but probably 6 to 8, until =
5pm.&nbsp; Too bad I wimped out because of the cold...</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Erika Sitz,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ramsey, north Anoka=20


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