19 warbler species and still no Ovenbird.  I'm beginning to think that the 
Ovenbirds are avoiding me.

Carver Park warblers and highlights

Yellow Warbler(several)
Common Yellowthroat(several)
American Redstart(several)
Yellow-rumped Warbler(3)
Palm Warbler(7)
Orange-Crowned Warbler(1)
Black and White Warbler(1)
Tennessee Warbler(abundant)
Nashville Warbler(2)
Blue-winged Warbler(2)
Northern Waterthrush(1)
Wilson's Warbler(2)
Northern Parula(1)
Magnolia Warbler(3)
Blackpoll Warbler(3)
Chestnut-sided Warbler(2)
Blackburnian Warbler(2)
Bay-breasted Warbler(1)
Cape May Warbler(1-2, probably the same bird twice)
Veery, Sedge Wren, Lincoln's Sparrow, Eastern Kingbird

I could not find the Henslow's Sparrow today.  I also went to Chaska Lake 
and was hindered a bit by leaves. I managed Tennessee, Nashville, Palm, 
Yellow Warbler, and Yellowthroat.  I heard 3 Northern Parulas and a 
Blackburnian. I also saw either the Willow or Alder Flycatcher(I can't be 
sure), Swaison's Thrush, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Warbling Vireo.


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