I was birding Sherburne NWR Auto-tour road this afternoon and at about mile 
marker 3 a hawk flew in and landed in a tree about 50 yards away. I'm still not 
sure what it was other than a Buteo. It was facing me and I noted the 

The upper breast was pure white. Across the belly there was a pattern of dark 
and white, kind of a checkerboard with the dark patches diamond shaped. Legs 
were yellow and were not covered with feathers. No leg band was visible. The 
beak was dark, not yellow. There was a white stripe over eye. The head was 
quite round as opposed to some of the other hawks. The back and wings were 
grayish brown with some small white areas. Over all size is difficult in that 
it never got near anything that I could compare it to, but it was not a small 
hawk. There was no red color on the tail or anywhere else. 

Is this just an unusual red-tail or can someone think of something else from 
the description I gave.

Rick Hoyme
Hennepin Co.
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