Six participants and I found about 80 species of birds on Sunday on MRVAC's 
annual Dakota County Prairie Birds field trip.  Most of the sparrows and 
other grassland birds were found.  Notable birds:

Wilson's Phalarope pair at 180th Street
Olive-sided Flycatcher (3 - all in usual habitat: dead trees)
Dickcissels (2 on CR42 by Schaar's Bluff & 7 at Randolf Industrial Park)
Lark Sparrow (pair mating on Michael Ave south of Hastings)
ruby-throated Hummingbird on nest at Schaar's Bluff
Yellow-billed Cuckoos (3 at Schaar's Bluff)
Willow Flycatcher calling
Great-creasted Flycatchers - many birds at many locations
Scarlet Tanager
Brewer's Blackbird
8 species of sparrows
mystery all black raptor

later, back at home, a Barred Owl flew about 5 feet over my head and landed 
in a tree about 40 feet away, and sat there about ten minutes while I worked 
in the yard.

It was a beautiful day to be out.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
sweston2 at 

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