MnBird is a private listserv own and operated by a woman birder along with her 
husband out of Winona, Minn. MnBird is not at all associated with the MOU 
organization except for those who are MOU members that only post to MnBird, 
other than that MnBird is a private listserv, just like the Polk Co. listserv 
and the Rice Co. listserv.

MOU Organization owns and operates one listserv and that is the MOU listserv.  
In the past I spoke out on how the MOU listserv could serve both serve the 
backyard sightings, local bird hike sightings, conservation notices, RFI to 
other bird locations ect.. type of postings and the "alert" type postings that 
report accidental/casual/ and out of range or season type birds that show up in 
Minnesota.  WELL I am going to have to eat my words and say that maybe its time 
the MOU like the Michigan folks have two listservs.  The MOU listserv that is 
running presently will be for every day sightings (migration postings, local 
hikes, RFI to other locations, conservation news, bird announcements about 
jobs, volunteer positions and ect) The other listserv that would be owned and 
managed by the MOU and would only be used by birders who will post only 
accidentals, casuals, out of range in Mn and out of season birds.  This new 
listserv would have to be managed very tight to make sure only certain birds 
would be allowed on this listserv.

In the past when this subject was brought up a few people spoke on how 
confusing this will be. Well it will not be confusing at all.  If you took a 
bird walk down to Cedar Bridge and you saw some migrants but nothing else 
spectacular than post that sighting to the MOU listserv and if you were at Salt 
Lake in Lac Qui Parle Co. and you spotted a Cassin's Kingbird than post it to 
the new listserv.  Now some people will say "but we already have Mnbird for the 
non-rarity type postings"  Yes that is true but again Mnbird is a private email 
and is not own or managed by MOU.  Having a third listserv will cater to those 
who delete a lot of emails based on subject lines that do not interest them 
because they are more interested in rarities or birds out of place rather than 
having their inbox filled with hummingbird food recipes or what type of jelly 
orioles prefer. 

I support a second listserv and this will make everyone happy.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Lake Superior Boat Trips
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