Two White-winged Crossbills, Milaca Hiking Trails this morning; Red 
Crossbill, Hedbom Road (Aitkin County) on Saturday.  Nathan and I also found 
the eight Sharp-tailed Grouse south of Tamarack as well, although they were 
in the row of trees on the west side of the road (.5 mile south of town).

Eight finch species since Saturday (only missing Purple, Hoary Redpoll & the 
more exotics).

Missed the Great Gray & American Three-toed on Hedbom (only chased latter 
for 20 minutes in the woods - lot of "stripped" territory to cover!).

Good birding to all & sundry.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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