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Northern Mockingbird on the Church Road off of Emerson north of Duluth about 
12 miles.  Been there most of the morning.  N. on #4 and R on Emerson, or N. 
on Howard Gnesen and L. on Emerson.  Then N. on Church 1/2 mi or so to the 
white farm house on the L. (6219 Church rd).  Park at the road and walk up 
the drive (approx. 2-300 feet) to a tangle of plumb trees. 

Chris Elmgren
6177Church rd.
Gnesen township,
Duluth, St. Louis County

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Northern Mockingbird on the Church Road off of Emerson=
 north of Duluth about 12 miles.&nbsp; Been there most of the morning.&nbsp;=
 N. on #4 and R on Emerson, or N. on Howard Gnesen and L. on Emerson.&nbsp;=20=
Then N. on Church 1/2 mi or so to the white farm house on the L. (6219 Churc=
h rd).&nbsp; Park at the road and walk up the drive (approx. 2-300 feet) to=20=
a tangle of plumb trees. <BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR=3D"#000000" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3=
 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Chris Elmgren<BR>
</B>6177Church rd.<BR>
Gnesen township,<BR>
Duluth, St. Louis County<BR>

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