I reported last week on my June 18th "failed" search for Connecticut
warblers on County 135, Cass County, east of Leech Lake.  I did hear about 8
but failed to see any because of being unprepared with repellent and a means
of fording deep water.  Today my wife Janet and I corrected that.  It took
about 45 minutes of tromping through the tamaracks, but we finally got an OK
glimpse of a singing male about 30 feet up in a tamarack.  This was very
gratifying, as it was the first I've seen on the nesting grounds and the
first, period, in about 30 years.  The bog was beautiful, carpeted with
blooming pink lady slippers, bunchberry, leatherleaf and other species. All
in all, a very enjoyable tromp.
A bonus for the day was a group of about 6 white-winged crossbills foraging
on tamarack cones near the road.  They gave standard flight calls but did
not sing.  We saw both adult males and females -- can't be certain whether
any juveniles were present.  Also a little unexpected (but maybe regular
there?) was at least one, and probably a pair, of Lincoln's sparrows
chipping near the west end of the main part of the bog (ca. 3 miles from
County 63).  Other species not encountered last week were blue-headed vireo,
golden-crowned kinglet, and parula warbler.  We missed the olive-sided
flycatcher today and only heard gray jays.

Marshall Howe
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