The pine grosbeaks have continued a sporadic appearance.  I spotted 3 both 
today and yesterday.  I cut up an extra apple and put it in the tray feeder 
they frequent.  Can't tell if they've eaten any or not.

The mourning dove made a brief cameo this afternoon and the cardinal pair were 
back this evening.

The goldfinches are abundant and have had at least 4 pine siskins in their 

The rest of our usual feathered visitors remain in residence.

On a light note, the kids and I had an up-close experience with a trumpeter 
swan last week.  It was jogging down the shoulder of the road (cty. hwy 
1)coming toward us as we were on our way home.  We slowed the car and got a 
great look.  "What big feet it has, Mom!"  We were all amazed at just how big a 
swan is - it was able to look my 6 yr. old in the eye while he sat in his 
booster seat.   

We drove down the road and turned around so my daughter would have it on her 
side.  When we caught up with it, it was hustling down the center line and 
wouldn't cross the road.  It didn't appreciate us creeping up on it with the 
car and so spread its wings while it ran faster.  It crossed the road and slid 
gracelessly down the river bank and into the Ottertail River near its outlet 
into the North end of Ottertail Lake.  What a facinating experience!  I'm glad 
we were the only car nearby at the time.  So often people drive too fast in 
that section of road that I suspect it could have been hit and killed.  As it 
is, I wonder if the swan had had a close call and couldn't fly.  I can't 
imagine it was out there jogging for its health.  :)

Amy Drake
Richville, MN
Ottertail County
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