The Salt Lake Festival, Minnesota's oldest birding festival, is alive and well 
and is scheduled for the weekend of April 23.
This will be the thirdith year.

Ken and Mary Lou Larson have extended an invitation to birders who are 
interested in camping to join them at Goody Larson's
On friday night they host a pot luck for those staying at the farm. For details 
and location of the farm call Ken or Mary
Lou at 952-595-9265.  Or you can call Dave and Rita Baden (952-445-4353), who 
organize a contingent of MRVAC that stay at
the farm.

The festival includes breakfast and lunch at Marietta, a day of birding with 
leaders who know the area, and a wonderful
dinner at the Sons of Norway.  Birding in Laq Qui Parle County is special.  Not 
just for the birds, but for the hospitality
of locals and their pride in the festival.  More details on the festival will 
be in the next issue of Minnesota Birding.

Salt Lake, Minnesota's only alkaline lake attracts a unique assortment of 
birds, some of which are not seen regularily
anywhere else in the state. Birds that have been seen in recent years include: 
many shorebirds including Piping Plover,
Marbled Godwit, and Avocet, all of the Grebes (Clarks are regulars), Ross' 
Goose, Feruginous Hawk, Gray (Hungarian)
Partridge, Short Eared Owls, Smiths Longspur, and White-winged Dove.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Heidi Ferguson
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:55 AM
  Subject: [mou] RFI Salt lake Trip

    Does anyone know the status of the Salt Lake Trip this year?  I haven't 
seen anything posted on the MOU web page.  I
would be sad if it isn't happening this year.

    Heidi Ferguson

    St. Paul,

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