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This is just a reminder that The Raptor Center is always in need of  
knowing where raptor nests are around Minnesota.  Owl nesting is upon  
us and sometimes young owls are brought in to TRC that can't go back  
to its original nest and needs to be put in a surrogate nest to  
minimize the risk of the bird imprinting on humans.  If you can let  
Jane Goggin goggi...@umn.edu  at TRC know of owl (or any raptor) nest  
location, she would appreciate it.

Last year great horned owl and Cooper's hawk nests were the most  
needed, but again any raptor nest is helpful.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

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<HTML><BODY style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; =
-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; ">This is just a reminder that The =
Raptor Center is always in need of knowing where raptor nests are around =
Minnesota.=A0 Owl nesting is upon us and sometimes young owls are =
brought in to TRC that can't go back to its original nest and needs to =
be put in a surrogate nest to minimize the risk of the bird imprinting =
on humans.=A0 If you can let Jane Goggin <A =
href=3D"mailto:goggi...@umn.edu";>goggi...@umn.edu</A>=A0=A0at TRC know =
of owl (or any raptor) nest location, she would appreciate it.=A0=A0<DIV><=
BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Last year great horned =
owl and Cooper's hawk nests were the most needed, but again any raptor =
nest is helpful.</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; =
border-spacing: 0px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Helvetica; =
font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =
-khtml-text-decorations-in-effect: none; text-indent: 0px; =
-apple-text-size-adjust: auto; text-transform: none; orphans: 2; =
white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "><DIV>Sharon =
Stiteler</DIV><DIV>www.birdchick.com</DIV><DIV>Minneapolis, =
MN</DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><BR =
class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"></SPAN> </DIV><BR></BODY></HTML>=


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