2 Red-necked Phalaropes were observed this evening from the observation
blind at the Purgatory Creek Recreation area in Eden Prairie.  The
Phalaropes were feeding on the mudflats to the right of the platform,
not swimming.  The mudflats have become much more extensive over the
past few days, and the shorebirds have responded (10 species observed,
see list below).
There is now also good mud near the footbridge/path on the Prairie
Center Drive side of the wetland.
The wetlands are located southwest of the Hwy 5 exit from 494 in Eden
Prairie.  Take the Prairie Center Drive exit southeast from Hwy 5 (first
exit after 494).
Doug Kieser

-----Original Message-----
From: do-not-reply at ebird.org [mailto:do-not-re...@ebird.org] 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 8:33 PM
To: Doug Kieser
Subject: eBird Report - Purgatory Creek Rec. Area , 8/2/07

Location:     Purgatory Creek Rec. Area
Observation date:     8/2/07
Notes:     Water levels very low with many dead/dying carp
Number of species:     31

Canada Goose     X
Wood Duck     X
Mallard     X
American White Pelican     35
Great Blue Heron     42
Great Egret     18
Bald Eagle     2
American Coot     1
Semipalmated Plover     15
Killdeer     55
Lesser Yellowlegs     24
Spotted Sandpiper     8
Semipalmated Sandpiper     5
Least Sandpiper     90
Baird's Sandpiper     3
Pectoral Sandpiper     6
Stilt Sandpiper     2
Red-necked Phalarope     2
Ring-billed Gull     110
Northern Rough-winged Swallow     X
Barn Swallow     X
Black-capped Chickadee     X
Marsh Wren     2
European Starling     X
Yellow Warbler     2
Common Yellowthroat     2
Swamp Sparrow     X
Northern Cardinal     X
Red-winged Blackbird     X
House Finch     X
American Goldfinch     X

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